Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

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International Ecology Institute
Eco-Ethics International Union

Otto Kinne Foundation


Manuscripts, to be sent to an ESEP Editor, must (1) not be submitted simultaneously to any other publication outlet; (2) be original, i.e. not published before; (3) have been approved by all immediately involved, e.g. authors, institutional authorities.

ESEP offers a global stage for authors: Inter-Research web pages are contacted more than half a million times per month. ESEP invites interpretative rather than descriptive contributions: Editorials; Papers; Reviews, up-to-date evaluations of important currentr areas (up to 25 printed pages); Invited Reviews, authored by prominent experts; Notes, brief reports of important new information deserving priority publication (up to 4 pages); Comments, critical, fair assessments of published works and Reply Comments, replies to comments (for details on Comments/Reply Comments click here); Theme Sections, integrated expert analyses highlighting an important current issue or problem; As I See It, important, not peer-reviewed, personal perspectives (brief and fair); Book Reviews of recent publications of particular pertinence to the ESEP readership. The journal also features News, brief info for readers and staff related to developments in eco-ethics and econ-ethics; Discussion Forums, focusing on current essentials; Student Forum (this special section is presently being considered); ESEP Books: electronic books focusing on topics related to ESEP and EEIU aims.

Invited ESEP Reviews

As suggested by several colleagues we herewith invite prominent scientists to author Reviews on cutting-edge topics for publication in ESEP. We would be pleased to receive appropriate manuscripts. These should be addressed to one of the ESEP Editors or directly to the ESEP Managing Editor.


Please submit revised manuscripts (mss) on 3.5" diskette, Zip disk or CD (formatted as Mac/PC hybrid) along with 1 printed copy; file and paper versions must be identical. To facilitate and accelerate the production process, please make sure that it conforms to the Inter-Research style. Poor mss incur considerable costs and delays; this applies particularly to figures and tables. If a ms requires excessive changes, we may have to return it, or charge you for the extra work involved in copy editing, typesetting and proofreading. To avoid this, please bring your ms in line with the following guidelines:

Title: Please avoid the use of 'A', 'An', 'The', 'On', etc. at the beginning, eliminate unnecessary modifiers, and make the title as logical, specific and concise as possible. The title should preferably have up to 100 characters (ca. 15 words, 2 lines in print), and 150 characters at most.

Provide a running head with 3 to 6 words; e.g. 'Detection of shrimp WSSV'.

Authors and addresses: If a ms has several authors from different institutions,

  • use superscript numerals for identification;
  • provide a full valid street address or PO Box for each institution;
  • use * to refer to footnotes that identify the corresponding author and provide her/his e-mail.
Abstracts. All contributions must be preceded by a brief, concise abstract. In the shortest possible way, the abstract should outline the scope of the paper, and highlight its main results and conclusions.

Key words. Please include a set of up to 8 key words to be printed at the head of the contribution.

Main body of text. Unusual symbols must be explained; print genus and species names in italics or underline.

Figures and tables must be carefully prepared, be numbered and accompanied by brief, precise legends. If you have questions about how to best prepare figures for publication, please see Guidelines to Authors on Figure Preparation, or contact our technical staff.

Citation of literature. Limit the number of citations to a maximum of about 1 page of citations for every 4 pages of text. All literature quoted in the text must be listed, in alphabetical (author names) chronological (year of appearance) order, at the end of the manuscript. Please adhere closely to Inter-Research format (see below).

Mailing. Address manuscripts (electronic version plus 1 print-on-paper copy) to an ESEP Editor.

Processing. Manuscripts (except Comments) will be critically evaluated by at least 3 experts: Review Editors or Anonymous Referees. Acceptable manuscripts are usually returned to the author requesting consideration of comments and criticism. When an accepted manuscript is ready for publication, the author will be notified and the date of publication fixed. This date appears at the end of each published contribution.

Speed. Accepted manuscripts are published on the net within a few days after receiving the proofs back from the author(s).

Please submit revised manuscripts in electronic form (on 3.5" diskette, Zip disc, CD or as an e-mail attachment, or upload to our ftp site at Most word-processing programs in common use are suitable. Further details on electronic submission are available from our technical staff.

Suggested format for Literature Citations from print-on-paper publications:

Blackburn N, Fenchel T (1999) Influence of bacteria, diffusion and shear on micro-scale nutrient patches, and implications for bacterial chemotaxis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 189:1-7
Mann KH, Lazier JRN (1991) Dynamics of marine ecosystems. Blackwell, Oxford
Papers from books
Smith WK (1984) A framework for evaluating community measures of marine pollution. In: White HH (ed) Concepts in marine pollution measurements. Maryland Sea Grant College, University of Maryland, College Park, p 193-202
Book series
Ehrlich PR (1997) A world of wounds: ecologists and the human dilemma. In: Kinne O (ed) Excellence in ecology, Book 8. Ecology Institute, Oldendorf/Luhe

How to cite from ESEP online publications (Examples):

Cairns, J Jr (2003) Numeracy and sustainability. ESEP 2003:83-91

Benards O (2001) The dilemma of developing countries: backgrounds of poverty, social disruption and environmental destruction, and ways for improvement. ESEP Discussion Forum 2: Contribution 1, available online at

EEIU Brochures: aims and citations

EEIU Brochures provide a platform for the presentation and documentation of the successive steps in the development of eco-ethical constructs, which, unlike traditional ethics, are subject to continued growth and progressive maturation. New ideas, comments and criticisms are both welcome and necessary to this development.

EEIU Brochures are independent publications of Inter-Research and as such are fully quotable. Correct forms for eco-ethics citations are given below.

Kinne, O (1998) Humanity can survive only with a new concept of ethics: eco-ethics. EEIU Brochure, Inter-Research, Oldendorf/Luhe

Kinne, O (2001) Eco-ethics further developed text: 01.05.2001. EEIU Brochure, Inter-Research, Oldendorf/Luhe

Kinne, O (2002) Eco-ethics further developed text: 01.05.2002. EEIU Brochure, Inter-Research, Oldendorf/Luhe

Research published in IR journals must have been conducted in accordance with institutional, national and international guidelines concerning the use of animals in research and/or the sampling of endangered species.

Scientific publications appearing in ESEP have been rigorously refereed, carefully quality-improved, and professionally selected by ESEP Editors. These publications, and all parts thereof, are therefore protected by copyright. This covers the exclusive rights of the publisher to reproduce (by any means, including photographic or electronic), to distribute (including via photocopies, reprints, or electronic means), and to store (on microfilm, in electronic data bases, on video disks, etc.) this material.
The acceptance regulations of a manuscript for publication automatically include the consent of the author(s) to transfer the copyright to the publisher. Permission for exceptions to these rules must be obtained in writing from the publisher at the time of manuscript submission.

Publisher, editors, reviewers and authors do not accept any legal responsibility for errors, omissions or claims, nor do they provide any warranty, express or implied, with respect to information published in ESEP.

This page was last updated on 28 April 2005.

Copyright © 2005; Inter-Research