Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

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ESEP is operated by Editors, Review Editors (REs) and Anonymous Referees (ARs), all of high international reputation. Appointed by Inter-Research, Editors define and develop their respective fields of interest; have a submitted manuscript (ms) critically reviewed by at least three experts; decide on manuscript acceptance or rejection; correct and improve — where necessary — grammar, style and spelling of accepted mss; forward accepted mss to Inter-Research. Manuscripts accepted by an Editor are published as quickly as possible.

REs and ARs are the backbone of quality control. Nominated by Editors and appointed by IR, Review Editors promptly, critically and constructively evaluate the merits of manuscripts sent to them by Editors.

Inter-Research Internet pages are presently consulted more than 800,000 times per month by readers from over 160 countries. Authors can be sure, therefore, that their work will become known quickly and widely.

You are invited to submit mss directly to one of the Editors listed below. Please consult GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS before preparing your ms. You may also wish to alert the Managing Editor concerning ms submission. The overall development of ESEP is escorted and guided by EEIU FELLOWS, distinguished supporters and representatives of the EEIU.

Managing Editors:

Dr. Howard I. Browman
Institute of Marine Research, 5392 Storebø, Norway
Tel: +47 56 18 22 64 / Fax: +47 56 18 22 22 / E-Mail:

Dr. Brian M. Marcotte
Strategic Analysis, Inc., 401 Cumberland Avenue, Suite 1102, Portland, ME 04101-2875, USA
Tel: + 1 207 899 2791 / E-Mail:


Mary Batson, M.A.


Prof. Mike Archer
Dean of Science, University of New South Wales, NSW 2052 Australia
Fax: +61 2 9320 6074 / Tel: +61 2 9320 6277 / Email:
Palaeontology, mammalogy, evolution, geology, rational thought and sustainable land management

Prof. Sam Berry
Department of Biology, Medawar Building, University College London
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, ENGLAND
Fax: +44 171 380 7096 / Tel: +44 171 380 7170 / Email:
Genetics, population biology, evolution, environmental ethics and policy

Prof. Emeritus John Cairns, Jr.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Biology
Mail Stop 0406, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA
Fax: +1 540 231 9307 / Tel: +1 540 951 2799 / Email:
Sustainable use of Planet Earth, ecotoxicology, ecological restoration

Prof. José I. dos Remedios Furtado
Centre for Integrated Development, 19 Langford Green, Champion Hill
Tel: +44 20 7733 8523 / Email:
Sustainable use of natural resources, appropriate technology, integrated policy, capacity development

Dr. Guy R. Lanza
Professor of Microbiology and Director, Environmental Sciences Program, 312 Stockbridge Hall, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-7240, USA
Fax: +1 413 545 3747 / Tel: +1 413 545 4860 / Email:
Environmental microbiology, phytoremediation/bioremediation strategies for environmental restoration and repair of damaged ecosystems, ecotoxicology, aquatic ecology and water resources, ecology of waterborne diseases, science-based environmental policy, interdisciplinary environmental education

Dr. Sandor Mulsow
Laboratorio GeoBentos, Instituto de Geociencias, Universidad Austral de Chile, 567 Independecia, Valdivia, CHILE
Fax: +56 63 221208 / Tel: +56 63 221591 / Email:
Marine radionuclide distribution and tracer studies in contamination; marine sediment-water interaction in coastal and open ocean; environmental ethics, politics and decision-making

Dr. David Orvos
Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Chairman, Department of Environmental Studies
Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Virginia 24595, USA
Fax: +1 434 381 6488 / Tel: +1 434 381 6532 / Email:
Water and wastewater treatment; environmental risk assessment; ecotoxicology; watershed assessment and preservation; environmental consequences of genetically engineered organisms; population sustainability; role of justice and ethics in risk assessment

Dr. Deborah Oughton
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental and Plant Science, PO Box 5028, Agricultural University of Norway, 1432 Aas, NORWAY
Fax: +47 649 48 359 / Tel: +47 649 48 350 / Email:
Ethics and philosophy of science, risk assessment, nuclear technologies, environmental protection, biotechnology, application of radio-chemical and -analytical methods, radionuclide speciation

Dr. M. C. Thorne
Mike Thorne and Associates Limited, Abbotsleigh, Kebroyd Mount, Ripponden, Halifax
West Yorkshire HX6 3JA, UNITED KINGDOM
Tel/Fax: +44 1422 825890 / Email:
Impacts of radionuclides and ionising radiations on the environment and man and on the long-term implications of climate change, particularly in respect to changes in sea level and effects on contaminant transport

Review Editors

Dr. Robert R. Alexander
Associate Professor, Dept of Environmental Studies, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA 24595 USA
Tel: +1 434 381 6451 / Email:
Natural resource and environmental economics; social/economic aspects of wildlife and wilderness conservation; bioeconomic modeling

Prof. B. L. Bayne
16 Lockington Avenue, Hartley, Plymouth PL3 5QR, UNITED KINGDOM
Tel: + 44 1752 708444 / Email:
Marine ecology, comparative physiology, science management

Prof. Stephen G. Bragaw
Associate Professor, Department of Government, Sweet Briar College,
211 Benedict Hall, Amherst, VA 24595, USA
Fax: +1 434 381 6494 / Tel: +1 434 381 6460 / Email:
Environmental law and politics

Dr. David J. Brunckhorst
Professor in Rural Futures; Director, Institute for Rural Futures; Co-Director, UNESCO Centre for Bioregional Resource Management; University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351, AUSTRALIA
Fax: +61 02 6773 3245 / Tel: +61 02 6773 3001 / Mob: +61 0403 078 801
Email: /
Integration of landscape ecology and design into bioregional planning and policy development; development of novel restorative industries; coordination across jurisdictional boundaries for integrated conservation, production, social benefits; environmental and natural resource policy; community conservation and rural futures; application of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve program

Prof. Matthew Calarco
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Sweet Briar College
Sweet Briar, VA 24595, USA
Tel: +1 434 381 6312 / Email:
Environmental ethics, animal ethics, philosophy of technology, philosophy of science, modern European philosophy

Dr. Sheila D. David
Fellow/Project Manager, The H. John Heinz III Center for Sciences, Economics and the Environment, 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 735S, Washington, DC 20004, USA
Fax: +1 202 737 6410 / Tel: +1 202 737 6307 / Email:
Restoration ecology, freshwater, ground water pollution, impacts of dams on large rivers, coastal hazards, coastal erosion, water supplies, water treatment, water reuse, wetlands protection/restoration

Dr. Ian Fairlie
Dry Storage Technologies, 115 Riverdale Road, Highbury, London N5 2SU, UNITED KINGDOM
Tel: +44 20 7354 1512 / Email:
Radiation protection and regulation, relevant moral, environmental and health-related issues. Special expertise on particular radionuclides such as tritium and carbon-14, dose assessment, methodologies and models

Dr. Daniel P. Faith
Principal Research Scientist, Australian Museum, 6 College St., Sydney 2000, AUSTRALIA
Fax: +61 9320 6059 / Tel: +61 9320 6357 / Email:
Evolution and phylogenetics, biodiversity - including valuation and trade-offs with other needs of society, biological monitoring of man-made impacts, philosophy of science, international conservation agreements/policies

Hugh Sinclair Fearn
Tigh an Aigh, High Street, Rosemarkie, Ross-Shire IV10 8UF, SCOTLAND
Regulation of the disposal of radioactive waste from reprocessing facilities and decommissioning of nuclear plant with a specific interest in the justification of practices that give rise to the disposal

Dr. Kazunobu Fujitaka
National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 4-9-1 Anagawa, Inage, Chiba 263-8555, JAPAN
Fax: +81 43 251 4836 / Tel: +81 43 251 2111 x 6926 / Email:
Cosmic radiation exposure in aircraft and manned space activity, terrestrial and radon exposure related to geology

Prof. Paul Hopwood
Department of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, Sydney 2006, AUSTRALIA
Fax: + 61 9351 2445 / Tel: + 61 9351 3242 / Email:
Conflicts between animal-activist philosophy and commerical use of animals, particularly wildlife. Animal interest/rights issues. Expertise in resolving tensions between human welfare, animal welfare and ecosystem integrity

Sir Prof. John Houghton
Fax: +44 1344 856912 / Tel: +44 1344 856888 / Email:
Climate change and associated policy issues

Dr. Charles A. Kennedy
PO Box 112, Newbury, New Hampshire 03255-0112, USA
Tel: + 1 603 763 9806 / Email:
World religions, in particular Islam; attitudes/beliefs of world religions towards the environment

Dr. Gerald Kirchner
Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, (Federal Office for Radiation Protection)
Köpenicker Allee 120-130, 10318 Berlin, GERMANY
Fax: +49 30 50922 200 / Tel: +49 30 50922 201 / Email:
Environmental fate of pollutants, modeling of environmental processes, effects of radioactive substances in the environment, science, politics & public perception regarding energy production technologies and their risks

Dr. Daniel Lunney
Senior Research Scientist, New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service
PO Box 1967, Hurstville NSW 2220, AUSTRALIA
Conservation of native mammals, habitat conservation on reserves and long-term changes in populations

Dr. D. Osborn
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Monks Wood, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon
Cambridgeshire PE28 2LS, UNITED KINGDOM
Fax: +44 1487 773 467 / Tel: +44 1487 772 518 / Email:
Movement and effects of chemicals in the environment, sustainable decisions about economic and social progress

Dr. James R. Pratt
Vice Provost, Office of Academic Affairs, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, Oregon, 97207-0751, USA
Fax: + 1 503 725 5262 / Tel: + 1 503 725 3422 / Email:
Use of microorganisms and microbial communities as predictors and indicators of environmental problems, impact of contaminants such as toxic chemicals and nutrients, development of flexible-design microcosms, development of rapid, short-term procedures for testing toxic compounds

Dr. Carolyn Raffensperger
Science and Environmental Health Network, 3704 W. Lincoln Way #282, Ames Ia. 50014, USA
Tel.: +1 701 763 6286 / Email:
Science and environmental health; use of science to protect public health and environment; precautionary principle

Dr. Kristina Rissanen
Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Research and Environmental Surveillance
Louhikkotie 28, 96500 Rovaniemi, FINLAND
Radioecology and surveillance, with special interests in arctic and subarctic radioecology and foodchains and the Russian Arctic Sea environment

Dr. David T. Schwartz
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Randolph-Macon Woman's College
2500 Rivermont Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24503, USA
Fax: +1 434 947 8138 / Tel: +1 434 947 8534 / Email:
Normative ethics and value theory; environmental philosophy, with an emphasis on environmental ethics

John H. Tanton, MS, MD.
2957 Atkins Road, Petoskey, MI 49770, USA
Fax: +1 231 347 1185 / Tel: +1 231 347 1171 / Email:
Population, immigration and language policies; land use, particularly affected by demography

Dr. D. W. H. Walton
British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OET, UNITED KINGDOM
Fax: +44 01223 362616 / Tel: + 44 01223 221400 / Email:
Terrestrial ecology, science policy, science communications

This page was last updated on 26 May 2005.

Copyright © 2005; Inter-Research