Marine Ecology Progress Series

Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Vol. 180 (1999)

Table of contents

Marine Ecology Progress Series (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © Inter-Research, Oldendorf/Luhe, 1999 Copyright and Disclaimer information
May 3

Searchable abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.


Kinne O
Electronic publishing in science: changes and risks
MEPS 180:1-5


Kostka JE, Thamdrup B, Glud RN, Canfield DE
Rates and pathways of carbon oxidation in permanently cold Arctic sediments
MEPS 180:7-21

Robinson C, Archer SD, Williams PJleB
Microbial dynamics in coastal waters of East Antarctica: plankton production and respiration
MEPS 180:23-36

Laroche D, Vézina AF, Levasseur M, Gosselin M, Stefels J, Keller MD, Matrai PA, Kwint RLJ
DMSP synthesis and exudation in phytoplankton: a modeling approach
MEPS 180:37-49

Lucas CH, Holligan PM
Nature and ecological implications of algal pigment diversity on the Molenplaat tidal flat (Westerschelde estuary, SW Netherlands)
MEPS 180:51-64

Aguilar C, Fogel ML, Paerl HW
Dynamics of atmospheric combined inorganic nitrogen utilization in the coastal waters off North Carolina
MEPS 180:65-79

Goldman JC
Inorganic carbon availability and the growth of large marine diatoms
MEPS 180:81-91

Kuipers BR, Witte HJ
Grazing impact of microzooplankton on different size classes of algae in the North Sea in early spring and mid-summer
MEPS 180:93-104

Miyashita K, Aoki I
Acoustic measurements of zooplankton using a dual frequency echo sounder
MEPS 180:105-109

Gibbons MJ, Gugushe N, Boyd AJ, Shannon LJ, Mitchell-Innes BA
Changes in the composition of the non-copepod zooplankton assemblage in St Helena Bay (southern Benguela ecosystem) during a six day drogue study
MEPS 180:111-120

Reynaud-Vaganay S, Gattuso JP, Cuif JP, Jaubert J, Juillet-Leclerc A
A novel culture technique for scleractinian corals: application to investigate changes in skeletal d18O as a function of temperature
MEPS 180:121-130

Sammarco PW, Risk MJ, Schwarcz HP, Heikoop JM
Cross-continental shelf trends in coral d15N on the Great Barrier Reef: further consideration of the reef nutrient paradox
MEPS 180:131-138

Ralph PJ, Gademann R, Larkum AWD, Schreiber U
In situ underwater measurements of photosynthetic activity of coral zooxanthellae and other reef-dwelling dinoflagellate endosymbionts
MEPS 180:139-147

Ziegler S, Benner R
Dissolved organic carbon cycling in a subtropical seagrass-dominated lagoon
MEPS 180:149-160

Tyler AC, Zieman JC
Patterns of development in the creekbank region of a barrier island Spartina alterniflora marsh
MEPS 180:161-177

Van Alstyne KL, Ehlig JM, Whitman SL
Feeding preferences for juvenile and adult algae depend on algal stage and herbivore species
MEPS 180:179-185

Purcell JE, White JR, Nemazie DA, Wright DA
Temperature, salinity and food effects on asexual reproduction and abundance of the scyphozoan Chrysaora quinquecirrha
MEPS 180:187-196

Lamare MD, Barker MF
In situ estimates of larval development and mortality in the New Zealand sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)
MEPS 180:197-211

Baba K, Tada M, Kawajiri T, Kuwahara Y
Effects of temperature and salinity on spawning of the brackish water bivalve Corbicula japonica in Lake Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan
MEPS 180:213-221

Dunn R, Mullineaux LS, Mills SW
Resuspension of postlarval soft-shell clams Mya arenaria through disturbance by the mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta
MEPS 180:223-232

St John J
Ontogenetic changes in the diet of the coral reef grouper Plectropomus leopardus (Serranidae): patterns in taxa, size and habitat of prey
MEPS 180:233-246

Lindholm JB, Auster PJ, Kaufman LS
Habitat-mediated survivorship of juvenile (0-year) Atlantic cod Gadus morhua
MEPS 180:247-255

Chapman MG, Underwood AJ
Ecological patterns in multivariate assemblages: information and interpretation of negative values in ANOSIM tests
MEPS 180:257-265

Oro D, Pradel R
Recruitment of Audouin's gull to the Ebro Delta colony at metapopulation level in the western Mediterranean
MEPS 180:267-273


Mumby PJ
Can Caribbean coral populations be modelled at metapopulation scales?
MEPS 180:275-288


Raimbault P, Diaz F, Pouvesle W, Boudjellal B
Simultaneous determination of particulate organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus collected on filters, using a semi-automatic wet-oxidation method
MEPS 180:289-295

Honkoop PJC, Luttikhuizen PC, Piersma T
Experimentally extending the spawning season of a marine bivalve using temperature change and fluoxetine as synergistic triggers
MEPS 180:297-300

Volumes 171-180 (1998-1999)
MEPS 180:301-312

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