Marine Ecology Progress Series

Marine Ecology Progress Series

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International Ecology Institute
Eco-Ethics International Union

Otto Kinne Foundation

Companion Journal to Aquatic Microbial Ecology

MEPS and AME have received international recognition as the leaders in their respective fields of science.


Marine Ecology Progress Series (MEPS) was founded by Professor Otto Kinne. It's original concept was based on 'Marine Ecology' - the first comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters - conceived, contributed to, organized and edited by Otto Kinne, and published by John Wiley & Sons

MEPS continues to be Citation King.

Of all the journals listed under 'Marine & Freshwater Biology' in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2003, MEPS features the highest number of Total Cites: 17 794.
At the same time MEPS's Impact Factor of 2.135 is at the top of primary marine ecology journals.


MEPS serves as a worldwide forum for all aspects of marine ecology, fundamental and applied. The journal covers: microbiology, botany, zoology, ecosystem research, biological oceanography, ecological aspects of fisheries and aquaculture, pollution, environmental protection, conservation, resource management

Ecological research has become of paramount importance for the future of humanity. The information presented here should, therefore, encourage critical application of ecological knowledge for the benefit of mankind and, in fact, of life on earth. Marine Ecology Progress Series strives for

  • complete coverage of the field of marine ecology
  • the highest possible quality of scientific contributions
  • quick publication (3.4 months from acceptance to publication)
  • a high technical standard of presentation


MEPS is international and interdisciplinary. It presents rigorously refereed and carefully selected Research articles, Reviews and Notes, as well as Comments/Reply Comments (for details see MEPS 228:1), Theme Sections, online Discussion Forums, As I See It and Feature Articles (for details consult Guidelines for MEPS Authors) concerned with:
  • Environmental factors: Tolerances and responses of marine organisms (microorganisms, autotrophic plants and animals) to variations in abiotic and biotic components of their environment; radioecology.
  • Physiological mechanisms: Synthesis and transversion of organic material (mechanisms of auto- and heterotrophy); thermo-, ion-, osmo- and volume-regulation; stress resistance; non-genetic and genetic adaptation; population genetics and ecological genome research; orientation in space and time; migrations; behavior; chemical ecology.
  • Molecular Marine Ecology: Molecular basis of ecological processes.
  • Cultivation: Maintenance and rearing of, as well as experimentation with, marine organisms under environmental and nutritional conditions which are, to a considerable degree, controlled; analysis of the physiological and ecological potential of individuals, populations and species; determination of nutritional requirements; ecological aspects of aquaculture; water-quality management; culture technology.
  • Dynamics: Marine ecosystems; flow patterns of energy and matter as these pass through organisms, populations and ecosystems; biodiversity; trophic interrelations; production, transformation and decomposition of organic matter; plankton ecology; benthos ecology; estuarine and coastal ecology; wadden-sea ecology; coral-reef ecology; deep-sea ecology; open-ocean ecology; polar ecology; theoretical ecology; ecological methodology and technology; ecological modelling and computer simulation.
  • Ocean management: Anthropogenic impacts: their role as modifiers and deformers of living systems, their biological consequences and their management and control; inventory of living resources in coastal areas, estuaries and open oceans; ecological aspects of fisheries; pollution of marine areas and organisms; protection of life in the seas; management of populations, species and ecosystems; management of coastal zones and sea areas; biotechnology.
  • Eco-ethics: Marine ecological research relevant to human thought and conduct oriented to what is right or wrong, beneficial or destructive for the total system 'Homo sapiens plus nature'. For details see the editorial in MEPS 153:1-3 and the Eco-Ethics International Union (

Conflicts of Interest

Authors, Reviewers and Editors must disclose relationships (e.g. financial, economic, institutional) that may affect the integrity of the scientific process.

Subscription information

Beginning with Volume 201 MEPS is also available online.

MEPS articles are made freely accessible online 4 years after publication. Currently all articles up to 2001 are freely accessible

2005: 20 volumes, Vols 286 to 305

Annual rate (print and online versions): Euro 3460

Please add postage, handling and insurance charges: Germany Euro 61 per annum; all other countries Euro 132 . Air mail delivery is available for an extra charge: to Europe Euro 66; to all other countries Euro 194

Annnual rate for online only subscription: Euro 3000

Missing issues must be claimed within 4 months of publication.
Back volumes are available at substantially reduced prices; for details write to publisher.

Tables of contents and abstracts are available free of charge on the Internet via World Wide Web.

Subscriptions are entered with annual prepayment only. They should be addressed to the publisher.

This page was last updated on 10 June 2005.

Copyright © 2005; Inter-Research