Marine Ecology Progress Series

Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Theme Sections are integrated multiauthor analyses and syntheses initiated and coordinated by acknowledged experts. They highlight cutting-edge research areas or problems.


Genomics, proteomics and metabonomics in marine ecology
Idea and Coordination: Howard I. Browman and Stewart Johnson
Contributors (to be determined)

Bridging the gap between aquatic and terrestrial ecology
Idea and Coordination: Konstantinos I. Stergiou & Howard I. Browman
Confirmed Contributors (at 28. April 2005): Howard I. Browman & Konstantinos I. Stergiou, Jonathan J. Cole, John Halley, Per Lundberg, Peter J. Morin, Robert T. Paine, Dave Raffaelli & Martin Solan, Niels Christian Stenseth, Donald R. Strong, Antony Underwood, Diana Wall

Sociopolitical, economic and policy-level perspectives on the ecosystem-based approach to the management of marine resources
Idea and Coordination: Konstantinos I. Stergiou & Howard I. Browman
Contributors: Tundi Agardy, Andrew A. Rosenberg, Karen McCleod, Sergi Tudela, Jake Rice, Wendy Watson-Wright, Rögnvaldur Hannesson, Ole Arve Misund, Hein Rune Skjoldal, Grimur Valdimarsson, David L. Fluharty, Michael F. Hirshfield, Patricia Livingston

Ocean biodiversity informatics
Proposed by: M Costello
Coordination: M Costello and E Vanden Berghe

Marine biodiversity and ecosystem function: empirical approaches and future research needs
Proposed by: M Solan
Coordination: M Solan, DG Raffaelli, DM Paterson, PCL White and GJ Pierce

Coral reef ecosystems
Proposed by: Bruce G. Hatcher
Coordination: Bruce G. Hatcher and Howard I. Browman
Partial list of contributors: Aaron Adams, Jerald S. Ault, James A. Bohnsack, John C. Brock, Paul M. Chittaro, Craig Dahlgren, Craig H. Faunce, Bruce G. Hatcher, Ken L. Heck Jr., G. Todd Kellison, Matthew S. Kendall, Philip A. Kramer, Janet A. Ley, Ivan Nagelkerken, David Palandro, Valerie Paul, Peter F. Sale, Joseph E. Serafy, Shauna Slingsby, Garriet W. Smith, Steven G. Smith, Su Sponaugle, Kathryn M. Sullivan Sealey, John D. Wang

17 Sensory biology: linking the internal and external ecologies of marine organisms (published in MEPS Volume 287, February 18, 2005)

Idea and coordination: Marc J. Weissburg, Howard I. Browman
Contributors: F. Bonadonna, T. E. Dennis, D. M. Fields, J. M. Hemmi, D. M. Higgs, S. Johnsen, K. S. Mead, J. Mogdans, G. A. Nevitt, M. M. Walker, M. J. Weissburg, J. Zeil

    Weissburg MJ

    Browman HI
    Applications of sensory biology in marine ecology and aquaculture

    Fields DM, Weissburg MJ
    Evolutionary and ecological significance of mechanosensor morphology: copepods as a model system

    Hemmi JM, Zeil J
    Animals as prey: perceptual limitations and behavioural options

    Higgs DM
    Auditory cues as ecological signals for marine fishes

    Johnsen S
    Visual ecology on the high seas

    Mead KS
    Reception before perception: how fluid flow affects odor signal encounter by olfactory sensors

    Mogdans J
    Adaptations of the fish lateral line for the analysis of hydrodynamic stimuli

    Nevitt GA, Bonadonna F
    Seeing the world through the nose of a bird: new developments in the sensory ecology of procellariiform seabirds

    Walker MM, Dennis TE
    Role of the magnetic sense in the distribution and abundance of marine animals

    Literature Cited


16 Peer review: journal articles versus research proposals (published in MEPS Volume 277, August 16, 2004)

Coordination: Hans Ulrik Riisgård
Contributors: H. Barth, P. S. Larsen, P. Roepstorff, F. Boero, J. Dolan, U. Sommer, V. Zupo, J. Vermaat, T. R. Anderson, R. T. Kneib, B. Aa. Lomstein, I. Jenkinson, S. E. Shumway


15 Perspectives on ecosystem-based approaches to the management of marine resources (published in MEPS Vol. 274 June 24, 2004)

Coordination: Browman HI, Stergiou KI
Contributors to Theme Section: H. I. Browman, P. M. Cury, R. Hilborn, S. Jennings, H. K. Lotze, P. M. Mace, S. Murawski, D. Pauly, M. Sissenwine, K. I. Stergiou, D. Zeller

    Browman HI, Stergiou KI

    Browman HI, Stergiou KI
    Marine Protected Areas as a central element of ecosystem-based management: defining their location, size and number

    Cury PM
    Tuning the ecoscope for the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries

    Hilborn R
    Ecosystem-based fisheries management: the carrot or the stick?

    Jennings S
    The ecosystem approach to fishery management: a significant step towards sustainable use of the marine environment?

    Lotze HK
    Repetitive history of resource depletion and mismanagement: the need for a shift in perspective

    Mace PM
    In defence of fisheries scientists, single-species models and other scapegoats: confronting the real problems

    Sissenwine M, Murawski S
    Moving beyond 'intelligent tinkering': Advancing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries

    Zeller D, Pauly D
    The future of fisheries: from 'exclusive' resource policy to 'inclusive' public policy


14 Emergent properties of complex marine systems: a macroecological perspective (published in MEPS Vol. 273 June 8, 2004)

Coordination: Andrea Belgrano
Contributors to Theme Section: A. Belgrano, J. A. Dunne, Z. V. Finkel, D. Grünbaum, H. Hillebrand, D. Ø. Hjermann, A. J. Irwin, M. Lima, N. D. Martinez, G. Ottersen, J. K. Parrish, O. Schofield, N. C. Stenseth, S. V. Viscido, R. J. Williams

    Belgrano A

    Hjermann DØ, Stenseth NC, Ottersen G
    Indirect climatic forcing of the Barents Sea capelin: a cohort effect

    Viscido SV, Parrish JK, Grünbaum D
    Individual behavior and emergent properties of fish schools: a comparison of observation and theory

    Hillebrand H
    Strength, slope and variability of marine latitudinal gradients

    Finkel ZV, Irwin AJ, Schofield O
    Resource limitation alters the 3/4 size scaling of metabolic rates in phytoplankton

    Belgrano A, Lima M, Stenseth NC
    Non-linear dynamics in marine-phytoplankton population systems

    Dunne JA, Williams RJ, Martinez ND
    Network structure and robustness of marine food webs


13 Quality in science publishing (published in MEPS Vol. 270 April 14, 2004)

Coordination: Howard I. Browman, David Seán Kirby
Contributors: H. H. Bauer, H. I. Browman, B. P. Dancik, G. Dresser, J. S. Gray, P. J. B. Hart, D. S. Kirby, J. C. Roff, A. J. Underwood

    Bauer HH
    Between the Scylla of hidebound conservatism and the Charybdis of mindless speculation

    Browman HI
    The rules of the game in science publishing

    Dancik BP
    Achieving and maintaining quality in scientific publishing

    Dresser G
    The role of printers and publishers in 21st century scholarly publishing

    Gray JS
    Ethical responsibilities of referees

    Hart PJB
    Electronic publishing of science and the maintenance of quality

    Kirby DS
    Accountability, quality and efficiency in the information age

    Roff JC
    Maintaining quality is primarily the role of the editor

    Underwood AJ
    It would be better to create and maintain quality rather than worrying about its measurement


12 Restoration scaling in the marine environment (published in MEPS Vol. 264 December 15, 2003)

Coordination: Charles H. Peterson, Ronald T. Kneib
Contributors: J. Catena, J. S. Cobb, J. T. DeAlteris, M. Donlan, D. F. French McCay, M. Gibson, J. H. Grabowski, C. Hebert, R. T. Kneib, W. J. Lindberg, R. N. Lipcius, C. A. Manen, C. H. Peterson, S. P. Powers, J. J. Rowe, M. Sperduto

    Peterson CH, Kneib RT, Manen CA
    Scaling restoration actions in the marine environment to meet quantitative targets of enhanced ecosystem services

    French McCay DP, Gibson M, Cobb JS
    Scaling restoration of American lobsters: combined demographic and discounting model for an exploited species

    French McCay DP, Peterson CH, DeAlteris JT, Catena J
    Restoration that targets function as opposed to structure: replacing lost bivalve production and filtration

    Donlan M, Sperduto M, Hebert C
    Compensatory mitigation for injury to a threatened or endangered species: scaling piping plover restoration

    Sperduto MB, Powers SP, Donlan M
    Scaling restoration to achieve quantitative enhancement of loon, seaduck, and other seabird populations

    French McCay DP, Rowe JJ
    Habitat restoration as mitigation for lost production at multiple trophic levels

    Peterson CH, Grabowski JH, Powers SP
    Estimated enhancement of fish production resulting from restoring oyster reef habitat: quantitative valuation

    Powers SP, Grabowski JH, Peterson CH, Lindberg WJ
    Estimating enhancement of fish production by offshore artificial reefs: uncertainty exhibited by divergent scenarios

    Kneib RT
    Bioenergetic and landscape considerations for scaling expectations of nekton production from intertidal marshes

    Peterson CH, Lipcius RN
    Conceptual progress towards predicting quantitative ecosystem benefits of ecological restorations


11 Misuse of the peer review system: time for countermeasures? (published in MEPS Volume 258, August 29, 2003)

Coordination: Hans Ulrik Riisgård
Contributors: O. Kinne, T. Fenchel, E. Fee, R. Hesslein, J. Elser, M. Scranton, J. Cole, N. Hairston, E. Canuel, R. Glud, C. Nielsen, P. Beninger, R. Waagbø, G. I. Hemre, G. Hulata, T. Høisæter, D. McLusky, R. Kneib, S. Shumway, R. Warwick, L. Hagerman, P. S. Larsen, J. Ott, P. C. Dworschak, F. Boero, J. M. Gili, K. Philippart, M. Seaman


10 Nearshore vertebrate predators: constraints to recovery from oil pollution (published in MEPS Vol. 241 October 4, 2002)

Coordination: Charles H. Peterson
Contributors: B. E. Ballachey, J. L. Bodkin, T. D. Bowman, T. A. Dean, D. Esler, J. B. Fischer, A. K. Fukuyama, G. H. Golet, L. Holland-Bartels, D. B. Irons, S. C. Jewett, K. J. Kuletz, L. McDonald, D. A. McGuire, D. H. Monson, S. H. Newman, C. E. O'Clair, C. H. Peterson, D. D. Roby, P. E. Seiser, K. A. Trust, G. R. VanBlaricom

    Peterson CH, Holland-Bartels L
    Chronic impacts of oil pollution in the sea: risks to vertebrate predators

    Bodkin JL, Ballachey BE, Dean TA, Fukuyama AK, Jewett SC, McDonald L, Monson DH, O'Clair CE, VanBlaricom GR
    Sea otter population status and the process of recovery from the 1989 'Exxon Valdez' oil spill

    Dean TA, Bodkin JL, Fukuyama AK, Jewett SC, Monson DH, O'Clair CE, VanBlaricom GR
    Food limitation and the recovery of sea otters following the 'Exxon Valdez' oil spill

    Esler D, Bowman TD, Trust KA, Ballachey BE, Dean TA, Jewett SC, Charles O'Clair CE
    Harlequin duck population recovery following the 'Exxon Valdez' oil spill: progress, process and constraints

    Golet GH, Seiser PE, McGuire AD, Roby DD, Fischer JB, Kuletz KJ, Irons DB, Dean TA, Jewett SC, Newman SH
    Long-term direct and indirect effects of the 'Exxon Valdez' oil spill on pigeon guillemots in Prince William Sound, Alaska


9 The Red Sea Programme (published in MEPS Vol. 239 August 23, 2002)

Coordination: Gotthilf Hempel, Claudio Richter
Contributors: S. Al-Moghrabi, T. Al-Najjar, M. Al-Qutob, S. Al-Rousan, M. I. Badran, U. G. Berninger, R. Böttger-Schnack, A. Cornils, Z. Dedej, M. El-Absawi, M. El-Gharabawi, A. El-Naggar, R. Gottlieb, H. P. Grossart, W. Hagen, T. Hansen, C. Häse, M. Huettel, M. A. Khalaf, M. Kochzius, H. Li, B. Lazar, J. Pätzold, A. F. Post, M. Rasheed, C. Richter, S. B. Schnack-Schiel, M. Simon, U. Sommer, H. Stibor, D. Stübing, D. N. Thomas, M. M. Tilzer, G. Wefer, S. Wickham

    Hempel G, Richter C
    The Red Sea Programme: sailing a nutshell of hope in Red Sea waters

    Al-Qutob M, Häse C, Tilzer MM, Lazar B
    Phytoplankton drives nitrite dynamics in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea

    Post AF, Dedej Z, Gottlieb R, Li H, Thomas DN, El-Absawi M, El-Naggar A, El-Gharabawi M,
    Sommer U

    Spatial and temporal distribution of Trichodesmium spp. in the stratified Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea

    Sommer U, Berninger UG, Böttger-Schnack R, Cornils A, Hagen W, Hansen T, Al-Najjar T, Post AF, Schnack-Schiel SB, Stibor H, Stübing D, Wickham S
    Grazing during early spring in the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea

    Grossart HP, Simon M
    Bacterioplankton dynamics in the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea in early spring

    Rasheed M, Badran MI, Richter C, Huettel M
    Effect of reef framework and bottom sediment on nutrient enrichment in a coral reef of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea

    Khalaf MA, Kochzius M
    Changes in trophic community structure of shore fishes at an industrial site in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea

    Al-Rousan S, Al-Moghrabi S, Pätzold J, Wefer G
    Environmental and biological effects on the stable oxygen isotope records of corals in the northern Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea


8 Future marine zooplankton research - a perspective (published in MEPS Vol. 222 November 5, 2001)

Coordination: Gustav-Adolf Paffenhöfer
Participating scientists: U. Bathmann, M. H. Bundy, M. E. Clarke, T. J. Cowles, K. Daly, H. G. Dam, M. M. Dekshenieks, P. L. Donaghay, D. M. Gibson, D. J. Gifford, B. W. Hansen, D. K. Hartline, E. J. H. Head, E. E. Hofmann, R. R. Hopcroft, R. A. Jahnke, S. H. Jonasdottir, T. Kiørboe, G. S. Kleppel, J. M. Klinck, P. M. Kremer, M. R. Landry, R. F. Lee, P. H. Lenz, L. P. Madin, D. T. Manahan, M. G. Mazzocchi, D. J. McGillicuddy, C. B. Miller, J. R. Nelson, T. R. Osborn, G.-A. Paffenhöfer, R. E. Pieper, I. Prusova, M. R. Roman, S. Schiel, H. E. Seim, S. L. Smith, J. J. Torres, P. G. Verity, S. G. Wakeham, K. F. Wishner


7 Who needs symposium proceedings? (published in MEPS Vol. 211 February 14, 2001)

Coordination: Giere Olaf
Contributors: O. Giere, F. Boero, E. Bonsdorff, T. Fenchel, C. Heip, P. Herman,
J. Middelburg, G. Liebezeit

    Giere O
    The significance of symposium proceedings requires critical attention

    Boero F
    More space for provocative ideas!

    Bonsdorff E
    Maybe 'Proceedings' are important after all?

    Fenchel T
    Symposium proceedings--only a part of the problem

    Heip C, Herman P, Middelburg J
    The coin has two sides

    Liebezeit G
    Symposium proceedings: is quality community-size-related?


6 'Evolution' of fisheries science (published in MEPS Vol. 208 December 8, 2000)

Coordination: Howard I. Browman
Contributors: H. I. Browman, J. A. Hutchings, D. O. Conover, K. Stokes, R. Law, C. Walters

    Browman HI
    Application of evolutionary theory to fisheries science and stock assessment management

    Hutchings JA
    Numerical assessment in the front seat, ecology and evolution in the back seat: time to change drivers in fisheries and aquatic sciences?

    Conover DO
    Darwinian fishery science

    Stokes K, Law R
    Fishing as an evolutionary force

    Walters C
    Natural selection for predation avoidance tactics: implications for marine population and community dynamics


5 Marine Chemical Ecology published in MEPS Vol. 207 November 22, 2000

Coordination: Josef R. Pawlik
Contributors: M. Assmann, G. L. Cetrulo, R. de Nys, S. Engel, C. M. Finelli, M. E. Hay, M. Köck, P. J. Krug, E. Lichte, V. J. Paul, J. R. Pawlik, M. P. Puglisi, M. Slattery, P. D. Steinberg, J. T. Wright, R. K. Zimmer

    Pawlik JR
    Marine chemical ecology

    Wright JT, de Nys R, Steinberg PD
    Geographic variation in halogenated furanones from the red alga Delisea pulchra and associated herbivores and epiphytes

    Cetrulo GL, Hay ME
    Activated chemical defenses in tropical versus temperate seaweeds

    Assmann M, Lichte E, Pawlik JR, Köck M
    Chemical defenses of the Caribbean sponges Agelas wiedenmayeri and Agelas conifera

    Puglisi MP, Paul VJ, Slattery M
    Biogeographic comparisons of chemical and structural defenses of the Pacific gorgonians Annella mollis and A. reticulata

    Engel S, Pawlik JR
    Allelopathic activities of sponge extracts

    Krug PJ, Zimmer RK
    Larval settlement: chemical markers for tracing production, transport, and distribution of a waterborne cue

    Finelli CM
    Velocity and concentration distributions in turbulent odor plumes in the presence of vegetation mimics: a flume study


4 The peer-review system: time for re-assessment? (published in MEPS Vol. 192 January 31, 2000)

Coordination: Hans Ulrik Riisgård
Contributors: G. Quinn, E. Fee, P. S. Larsen, S. E. Shumway, J. M. Gili, T. Kiørboe, L. Hagerman, P. Beninger, A. Tessier, C. Duarte, J. Raven, J. J. Middelburg, M. Lesser, A. Grémare, J. Cole, O. N. Larsen, J. J. Beukema, K. Reise, D. Canfield, O. Kinne


3 Negative results (published in MEPS Vol. 191 December 30, 1999)

Coordination: Howard I. Browman
Contributors: Browman HI, Ruse M, Allchin D, Hull DL, Underwood AJ

    Browman HI
    The uncertain position, status and impact of negative results in marine ecology: philosophical and practical considerations

    Ruse M
    When is a negative result anomalous?

    Allchin D
    Negative results as positive knowledge, and zeroing in on significant problems

    Hull DL
    The role of negative evidence in science

    Underwood AJ
    Publication of so-called 'negative' results in marine ecology


2(Originally termed "Comments Section")
Predator-prey interactions in the sea: commentaries on the role of turbulence (published in MEPS Vol. 139 August 29, 1996)

Coordination: Howard I. Browman
Contributors: J. H. Costello, H. I. Browman, T. Osborn, A. Scotti, A. B. Skiftesvik, J. R. Strickler, S. Sundby, H. Yamazaki

    Browman HI
    Predator-prey interactions in the sea: commentaries on the role of turbulence

    Osborn T, Scotti A
    Effect of turbulence on predator-prey contact rates: where do we go from here?

    Yamazaki H
    Turbulence problems for planktonic organisms

    Sundby S
    Turbulence-induced contact rates in plankton: the issue of scales

    Strickler JR, Costello JH
    Calanoid copepod behavior in turbulent flows

    Browman HI, Skiftesvik AB
    Effects of turbulence on the predation cycle of fish larvae: comments on some of the issues


1 (Originally termed "Comments Section")
Commentaries on current research trends in recruitment studies (published in MEPS Vol. 128 November 23, 1995)

Coordination: Howard I. Browman
Contributors: H. I. Browman, D. H. Cushing, E. M. DeBlois, B. Ellertsen, P. Fossum, W. C. Leggett, R. A. Myers, P. Solemdal, S. Sundby

    Browman HI

    Cushing DH
    A comment on Leggett & DeBlois

    Ellertsen B, Fossum P, Solemdal P, Sundby S
    The 'critical period' concept — a century of recruitment research

    Myers RA
    Recruitment of marine fish: the relative roles of density-dependent and density-independent mortality in the egg, larval, and juvenile stages

    Leggett WC, DeBlois EM
    Researching recruitment — where to now?

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