Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Vol. 273 (2004)

Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © Inter-Research, Oldendorf/Luhe, 2004 Copyright and Disclaimer information
June 8

Searchable abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.


Lundholm N, Hansen PJ, Kotaki Y
Effect of pH on growth and domoic acid production by potentially toxic diatoms of the genera Pseudo-nitzschia and Nitzschia
MEPS 273:1-15 Full text in pdf format

Yoshikawa T, Furuya K
Long-term monitoring of primary production in coastal waters by an improved natural fluorescence method
MEPS 273:17-30 Full text in pdf format

Havskum H, Schlüter L, Scharek R, Berdalet E, Jacquet S
Routine quantification of phytoplankton groups—microscopy or pigment analyses?
MEPS 273:31-42 Full text in pdf format

Olli K, Neubert MG, Anderson DM
Encystment probability and encystment rate: new terms to quantitatively describe formation of resting cysts in planktonic microbial populations
MEPS 273:43-48 Full text in pdf format

Kaartokallio H
Food web components, and physical and chemical properties of Baltic Sea ice
MEPS 273:49-63 Full text in pdf format

Huntley ME, Zhou M
Influence of animals on turbulence in the sea
MEPS 273:65-79 Full text in pdf format

Kellogg CA
Tropical Archaea: diversity associated with the surface microlayer of corals
MEPS 273:81-88 Full text in pdf format

Wegley L, Yu Y, Breitbart M, Casas V, Kline DI, Rohwer F
Coral-associated Archaea
MEPS 273:89-96 Full text in pdf format

Caldwell GS, Bentley MG, Olive PJW
First evidence of sperm motility inhibition by the diatom aldehyde 2E,4E-decadienal
MEPS 273:97-108 Full text in pdf format

Hemmi A, Honkanen T, Jormalainen V
Inducible resistance to herbivory in Fucus vesiculosus—duration, spreading and variation with nutrient availability
MEPS 273:109-120 Full text in pdf format

Lohrer AM, Thrush SF, Hewitt JE, Berkenbusch K, Ahrens M, Cummings VJ
Terrestrially derived sediment: response of marine macrobenthic communities to thin terrigenous deposits
MEPS 273:121-138 Full text in pdf format

Vanaverbeke J, Soetaert K, Vincx M
Changes in morphometric characteristics of nematode communities during a spring phytoplankton bloom deposition
MEPS 273:139-146 Full text in pdf format

Leguerrier D, Niquil N, Petiau A, Bodoy A
Modeling the impact of oyster culture on a mudflat food web in Marennes-Oléron Bay (France)
MEPS 273:147-162 Full text in pdf format

Martel C, Viard F, Bourguet D, Garcia-Meunier P
Invasion by the marine gastropod Ocinebrellus inornatus in France. II. Expansion along the Atlantic coast
MEPS 273:163-172 Full text in pdf format

Pérez-Castañeda R, Defeo O
Spatial distribution and structure along ecological gradients: penaeid shrimps in a tropical estuarine habitat of Mexico
MEPS 273:173-185 Full text in pdf format

Fabi G, Grati F, Puletti M, Scarcella G
Effects on fish community induced by installation of two gas platforms in the Adriatic Sea
MEPS 273:187-197 Full text in pdf format

Lowry M, Suther I
Population structure of aggregations, and response to spear fishing, of a large temperate reef fish Cheilodactylus fuscus
MEPS 273:199-210 Full text in pdf format

Beauplet G, Dubroca L, Guinet C, Cherel Y, Dabin W, Gagne C, Hindell M
Foraging ecology of subantarctic fur seals Arctocephalus tropicalis breeding on Amsterdam Island: seasonal changes in relation to maternal characteristics and pup growth
MEPS 273:211-225 Full text in pdf format


Emergent properties of complex marine systems: a macroecological perspective

Coordination: Andrea Belgrano
Contributors to Theme Section: A. Belgrano, J. A. Dunne, Z. V. Finkel, D. Grünbaum, H. Hillebrand, D. Ø. Hjermann, A. J. Irwin, M. Lima, N. D. Martinez, G. Ottersen, J. K. Parrish, O. Schofield, N. C. Stenseth, S. V. Viscido, R. J. Williams

Belgrano A
MEPS 273:227 Full text in pdf format

Hjermann DØ, Stenseth NC, Ottersen G
Indirect climatic forcing of the Barents Sea capelin: a cohort effect
MEPS 273:229-238 Full text in pdf format

Viscido SV, Parrish JK, Grünbaum D
Individual behavior and emergent properties of fish schools: a comparison of observation and theory
MEPS 273:239-249 Full text in pdf format

Hillebrand H
Strength, slope and variability of marine latitudinal gradients
MEPS 273:251-267 Full text in pdf format

Finkel ZV, Irwin AJ, Schofield O
Resource limitation alters the 3/4 size scaling of metabolic rates in phytoplankton
MEPS 273:269-279 Full text in pdf format

Belgrano A, Lima M, Stenseth NC
Non-linear dynamics in marine-phytoplankton population systems
MEPS 273:281-289 Full text in pdf format

Dunne JA, Williams RJ, Martinez ND
Network structure and robustness of marine food webs
MEPS 273:291-302 Full text in pdf format

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