Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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Diseases of Aquatic Organisms (DAO) is international and interdisciplinary. The journal was founded and is managed by Professor Otto Kinne. It publishes Research articles, Reviews, and Notes, as well as Comments/Reply Comments (for details see DAO 48:161), Theme sections and As I See It (for details consult Guidelines for DAO Authors) covering all forms of life - animals, plants and microorganisms - in marine, limnetic and brackish habitats.

Editors, Review Editors and a large number of Anonymous Referees - all internationally acknowledged experts - assure constructive, fair and prompt peer reviews, and a critical selection of high-quality papers

Top journal

DAO is the leading journal in its field.


Diseases affect all facets of life - at the cell, tissue, organ, individual, population and ecosystem level. Since life originated in an aquatic medium, studies of disease phenomena in the wide array of aquatic taxa contribute significantly to the analysis, comprehension, prevention and treatment of diseases in general, i.e., also those of organisms now inhabiting terrestrial environments including Homo sapiens. DAO aims to cover all these important research areas.


  • Diseases caused by coexisting organsims, e.g. viruses, bacteria, fungi, protistans, metazoans; characterization of pathogens
  • Diseases caused by abiotic factors (critical intensities of environmental properties, including pollution)
  • Diseases due to internal circumstances (innate, idiopathic, genetic)
  • Diseases due to proliferative disorders (neoplasms)
  • Disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention
  • Molecular aspects of diseases
  • Nutritional disorders
  • Stress and physical injuries
  • Epidemiology/epizootiology
  • Toxicology
  • Diseases of aquatic organsims affecting human health and wellbeing
  • Diseases as indicators of humanity's detrimental impact on nature
  • Genomics, proteomics and metabonomics of disease
  • Immunology and disease prevention
  • Animal welfare


Physicians, veterinarians, environmental biologists, fishery biologists and ecologists, aquaculturalists, pathologists, parasitologists, microbiologists, botanists, zoologists. DAO is an indispensable source of information for all concerned with health of humans, animals, plants and microorganisms; environmental protection; resource management; ecosystem health; conservation of organisms and habitats; aquafood production

Conflicts of Interest

Authors, Reviewers and Editors must disclose relationships (e.g. financial, economic, institutional) that may affect the integrity of the scientific process.

Subscription information

Beginning with Volume 42 DAO is also available online.

DAO articles are made freely accessible online 4 years after publication. Articles published in 2000 and 2001 will become available in January 2005.

2004: 6 volumes, Vols 57 to 62
2005: 6 volumes, Vols 63 to 68

Annual rate for 2004 (print and online versions): Euro 1038
Annual rate for 2005 (print and online versions): Euro 1038

Please add postage, handling and insurance charges: Germany Euro 30 per annum; all other countries Euro 46. For air mail delivery rates contact publisher.

Missing issues must be claimed within 4 months of publication.
Back volumes are available at substantially reduced prices; for details write to the publisher.

Tables of contents and abstracts are available free of charge on the Internet via World Wide Web.

Subscriptions are entered with annual prepayment only. They should be addressed to the publisher.

This page was last updated on 10 May 2005.

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