Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO Editors

Managing Editor: Otto Kinne
Assistant Managing Editor: John Austin

International Ecology Institute, Nordbünte 23 (+21, 26, 28, 30),
21385 Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany
Tel (+49) (0)4132 7127, Fax (+49) (0)4132 8883
Email kinne@int-res.com, john@int-res.com
Internet: www.int-res.com

Assistants to the Editors: Marita Bruns, Catherine Fesefeldt, Bernhard Fromm, Ivor George, Thorben Gutknecht, Sandra Hammer, Christiane Hart, Marianne Hiller, Clare Lehane, Anna Loßmann, William Neel, Claire Pritchard, Nathan Russell, Matthias Seaman, Rita Shaw-Friedrich, Helga Witt

Inter-Research, Nordbünte 23 (+ 21, 26, 28, 30),
21385 Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany
Tel (+49) (0)4132 7127, Fax (+49) (0)4132 8883
Email: ir@int-res.com, Internet: www.int-res.com

  • Silvano Bonotto (Diseases of Aquatic Plants)
    Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo, Via Accademia Albertina 13-17, I-10123 Torino, Italy
    Tel (+39) (0)116704700, Fax (+39) (0)11 6704732
    Email: bonotto@skynet.be

  • Thomas Braunbeck (Diseases of Aquatic Organisms: Toxicant-induced Pathology)
    Zoologisches Institut I der Universität Heidelberg - Morphologie/Ökologie, Im Neuenheimer Feld 230, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
    Tel (+49) (0)6221 562668, Fax (+49) (0)6221 563162
    E-mail: braunbeck@urz.uni-heidelberg.de

  • David W. Bruno (Diseases of Fishes - Due to Bacteria and Fungi)
    FRS Marine Laboratory, PO Box 101, 375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen AB11 9DB, Scotland, UK
    Tel (+44) 1224 295615, Fax (+44) 1224 295667
    E-mail: d.bruno@marlab.ac.uk

  • Carey Cunningham (Molecular aspects of disease phenomena)
    Marine Laboratory, PO Box 101, Victoria Road, Aberdeen AB11 9DB, Scotland, UK
    Tel (+44) 1224 295634, Fax (+44) 1224 295620
    E-mail: cunninghamc@marlab.ac.uk

  • Murray D. Dailey (Diseases of Aquatic Mammals)
    Marine Mammal Center, Marine Headlands, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Sausalito, California 94965, USA
    Tel (+1) (415) 289 7346, Fax (+1) (415) 289 7333
    E-mail: mdailey@tmmc.org

  • Donald L. Evans (Immunology research in aquatic organisms)
    Department of Infectious Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA
    Tel (+1) (706) 542 3473, Fax (+1) (706) 542 5771
    E-mail: devans@vet.uga.edu

  • Timothy W. Flegel (Diseases of Crustaceans)
    Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Rama VI Rd, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
    Tel (+66) 2 246 1358 ext. 1374, 2712, Fax (+66) 2 354 7344
    E-mail: sctwf@mahidol.ac.th

  • Otto Kinne (General Aspects of Diseases)
    (address as above)

  • Wolfgang Körting (Diseases of Fishes - Due to Protozoans, Protophytans and Metazoans)
    Fish Diseases Research Unit, School of Veterinary Medicine, Bünteweg 17, D-30559 Hannover, Germany
    Tel (+49) (0)511 856 8889, Fax (+49) (0)511 953 8587
    E-mail: wkoert@fisch.tiho-hannover.de

  • Thomas Lang (Diseases of Fishes - Due to Proliferative Disorders)
    Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei, Institut für Fischereiökologie, Aussenstelle Cuxhaven, Deichstsr. 12, 27472 Cuxhaven, Germany
    Tel (+49) (0)4721 38034, Fax (+49) (0)4721 53583
    E-mail: t.lang.@t-online.de

  • Jo-Ann Leong (Diseases of Fishes - Due to Viruses)
    Director, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, PO Box 1346, Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744, USA
    Tel (+1) (808) 236 7401, Fax (+1) (808) 236 7443
    E-mail: joannleo@hawaii.edu

  • Jay J. Levine (Epidemiology)
    Aquatic Animal Epidemiology and Conservation Genetics Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, 4700 Hillsborough St., Raleigh, NC 27606, USA
    Tel (+1) (919) 513 6397, Fax (+1) (919) 513 6464
    Email: Jay_Levine@ncsu.edu

  • Carl B. Schreck (Diseases of Fishes - Due to Environmental Factors)
    Oregon Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Oregon State University, Nash Hall 104, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-3803, USA
    Tel (+1) (503) 737 1961, Fax (+1) (503) 737 3590
    E-mail: schreck@ccmail.orst.edu

  • Albert K. Sparks (Diseases of Molluscs, Lower Invertebrates, and Microorganisms)
    Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center, Resource Assessment and Conservation, 7600 Sand Point Way Northeast, BIN C15700, Building 4, Seattle, Washington 98115-0070, USA
    Tel (+1) (206) 523 3494, Fax (+1) (206) 526 6723
    E-mail: asparks660@comcast.net

  • Peernel Zwart (Diseases of Aquatic Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians)
    Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Utrecht, Postbus 80.158, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    Tel (+31) (0)30 656 1644, Fax (+31) (0)30 656 7262
    E-mail: biblizoo@worldaccess.nl

    Review Editors

    Airoldi L
    Ravenna, Italy
    Macroalgae: effects of abiotic factors and biological interactions, diseases caused by natural stresses and human-induced perturbations

    Aldermann DJ
    Weymouth, UK
    Crustaceans, molluscs: disease control, particularly chemotherapy and pharmacokinetics

    Austin B
    Edinburgh, Scotland
    Bacterial diseases of fish and shellfish; vaccination; probiotics, taxonomic identification techniques, pathogenicity mechanisms

    Azevedo C
    Porto, Portugal
    Protoparasitology and diseases of molluscs and fishes

    Belosevic M
    Edmonton, AB, Canada
    Immunology: cell biology; infections; fish macrophages; cytokines

    Bower S
    Nanaimo, BC, Canada
    Infectious diseases of commercially important molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms

    Brown L
    Halifax, NS, Canada
    Fishes: immune responses to bacterial pathogens; chemotherapeutants; vaccines

    Cameron A
    Wentworth Falls, NSW, Australia
    Epidemiology, surveillance

    Carpenter TE
    Davis,CA, USA
    Epidemiologic mmethods, specifically risk analysis, spatial and temporal statistics, simulation modelling, economics

    Cawthorn RJ
    Charlottetown, PEI, Canada
    Pathogenesis of infection; immunological responses; epidemiology of economically important shellfish and finfish

    Crane M
    Geelong, VIC, Australia
    Viral diseases of aquatic animals, diagnostics, cell culture

    Diamant A
    Eilat, Israel
    Fishes: parasites, especially protozoans

    Ellis AE
    Aberdeen, UK
    Fishes: defense mechanisms; vaccination; virulence of bacterial pathogens; hematology; histopathology; stress

    Elston R
    Carlsborg, WA, USA
    Fishes, invertebrates: infections; neoplasms; aquaculture health management

    Essbauer S
    Munich, Germany
    Virus-caused diseases of aquatic reptiles and amphibians; identification/characterization of virus from lower vertebrates; molecular and phylogenetic studies; expression and characterization of viral proteins; emerging diseases; phylogeny of the immune system

    Evelyn TPT
    Nanaimo, BC, Canada
    Fishes: diagnosis and identification of bacterial pathogens; epizootiology; pathogenesis; immune systems and response

    Feist SWB
    Weymouth, UK
    Fish and shellfish histopathology and parasitology; biomarkers; neoplasia; pathogenesis and epizootiology; protozoans, myxozoa, ultrastructure

    Fenwick B
    Manhattan, KS, USA
    Marine mammals: immunology; bacteriology; infections; pathology

    Fisher WS
    Gulf Breeze, FL, USA
    Invertebrates (crustaceans, molluscs): immune mechanisms and pathology

    Ford S
    Port Norris, NJ, USA
    Molluscs: protozoan diseases; epizootiology; effects of salinity and temperature, host/parasite interactions

    Fryer JL
    Corvallis, OR, USA
    Fishes: infectious diseases; microbiology; immunology

    Garner MM
    Snohomish, WA, USA
    Fields of expertises requested

    Genthner F
    Gulf Breeze, FL, USA
    Aquatic microbiology; fate and effects of microbes; microbial indicators

    Grayson H
    Canberra City, Australia
    Fishes: molecular aspects of immunology and microbiology; genes and gene expression (host pathogen); strain typing; epizootiology; vaccine development

    Hammell L
    Charlottetown, PEI, Canada
    Disease surveillance, risk factor studies, diagnostic test evaluation, clinical field trials

    Hedrick RP
    Davis, CA, USA
    Infectious diseases of fish; pathogenesis of viruses and myxosporeans

    Hiepe T
    Berlin, Germany
    General parasitology, especially parasitic zoonosis and parasite counteraction

    Hill BJ
    Weymouth, UK
    Fishes, crustaceans, molluscs: viral infections

    Hine PM
    Upper Hutt, New Zealand
    Viral and protozoan pathogens of molluscs, histopathology of disease, ultrastructure of pathogens

    Hinton DE
    Durham, NC, USA
    Significance of diseases of aquatic organisms for human health

    Hoole D
    Keele, UK
    Host-parasite interactions in fish, especially to immunological responses; effects of water quality on fish immunity

    Isaeva V
    Vladivostok, Russia
    Inflammatory reactions; immune responses

    Jacobson E
    Gainesville, FL, USA
    Reptiles (birds): pathology and diseases

    Jaso-Friedmann L
    Athens, GA, USA
    Immunology: cellular and molecular

    Kaattari S
    Gloucester Point, VA, USA
    Fishes: immunology (molecular, cellular, biochemical); antibodies; vaccines; therapeutics; defense mechanisms

    Kabata Z
    Nanaimo, BC, Canada
    Fishes: diseases due to parasites (copepods and other crustaceans, myxozoans)

    Kent M L
    Corvallis, OR, USA
    Protozoan and myxozoan diseases of fish; diseases of zebrafish and pen-reared salmonid fishes

    Kendrick G
    Crawley, WA, Australia
    Scaling of marine ecological processes; ecology of marine seaweeds, GIS, spatial ecology and spatial modelling; habitat assessment and mapping

    Kimura T
    Hakodate, Japan
    Fishes: viral and bacterial diseases; proliferative disorders; antigens

    Kinkelin P de
    Jouy-en-Josas, France
    Fishes: general facets of diseases; diagnoses and treatments; viruses; vaccination; antigenicity

    Køie M
    Helsingør, Denmark
    Host-parasite relations between invertebrates and helminths. Life-cycles of fish and bird helminths

    Lester RJG
    Brisbane, QLD, Australia
    Invertebrates (penaeids, molluscs): parasitology; viral, protozoan and metazoan diseases

    Levy M
    Raleigh, NC, USA
    Phylogeny (molecular and classical ), life cycles, host /parasite relations, immunity, diagnosis of parasitic and microbial infections

    Lightner DV
    Tucson, AZ, USA
    Crustaceans: esp. infectious diseases of marine penaeid shrimps

    Loh PC
    Honolulu, HI, USA
    Animal viruses: pathogenesis, antiviral inhibitors: vertebrate and invertebrate cell culture systems

    Lorenzen N
    Århus, Denmark
    Fishes: virology with emphasis on vaccinology, immunology and diagnostics related to viral diseases; glycoproteins and protein folding

    MacConnell B
    Bozman, MT, USA
    Fish histopathology; bacteria, fungi, protozoans, metazoans, environmental factors

    Manning MJ
    Plymouth, UK
    Fishes and amphibians: immunology; vaccination; pollution and disease susceptibility in aquatic animals

    McGladdery SE
    Ottawa, ON, Canada
    Shellfish: parasitology, pathology, histopathology, epidemiology, disease management and controls

    Measures L
    Mont-Joli, QC, Canada
    Marine mammals: parasitology; microorgansims, helmiths, lungworms, ascarids, epizootiology

    Miller N
    Jackson, MS, USA
    Fishes: immunology at cellular and molecular levels; cell cultures; interleukins

    Molnár K
    Budapest, Hungary
    Fishes: infections due to parasites (Coccidia, Myxosporea; Monogenea); pathology; drug use

    Morado JF
    Seattle, WA, USA
    Mammals, fishes, crustaceans, molluscs: infectious and non-infectious diseases; protozoology

    Morgan K
    Leahurst, UK
    Empirical epidemiology; preventive medicine; mucosal immunology; statistical modelling; veterinary science; hite spot disease; EUS/fungal granulomatosis

    Myers MS
    Seattle, WA, USA
    Fish histopathology, oncology, carcinogenesis; epizootiology

    Nicholson BL
    Orono, ME, USA
    Fish viruses: emphasis on antigenic and genomic relationships; pathogenicity; evolution and diagnostic assays

    Overstreet, R
    Ocean Springs, MS, USA
    Crustaceans, fishes: diseases; digeneans

    Paperna I
    Rehovot, Israel
    Fishes: diseases due to protozoans, protophytans, and metazoans

    Poppe TT
    Oslo, Norway
    Pathology and histopathology; side-effects of immunization; inflammatory responses

    Pottinger T
    Ambleside, UK
    Fish: physiological responses to environmental perturbation; endocrinology; physiological basis of behavioural traits and ecotoxicology; fish diseases

    Raga JA
    Burjasot, Spain
    Aquatic mammal parasites

    Ristow S
    Pullman, WA, USA
    Cytotoxic cell-mediated immunity; virology; diagnostic methods; biomedical models; histocompatibility antigens

    Schartl M
    Würzburg, Germany
    Fishes: tumor structure biochemistry, pathology; molecular biology; genetics; evolution

    Schlotfeldt HJ
    Ahlten, Germany
    Fishes: virus infections, diagnosis and therapies; aquaculture (also legislation)

    Segner H
    Bern, Switzerland
    Fishes; nutritional disorders, toxicological pathology, stress-related injuries

    Söderhäll K
    Uppsala, Sweden
    Invertebrates: immunity; fungal and crustacean parasites; molecuar and cell biology; biochemistry; epizootology

    Steinhagen D
    Hannover, Germany
    Fishes: parasites, especially protozoans

    Storch V
    Heidelberg, Germany
    Fishes: electron microscopy (ultrastructure). Crustaceans: nutrition; acidification; toxicology

    Stoskopf MK
    Raleigh, NC, USA
    Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics of drugs in aquatic species. Clinical background with aquatic mammals, marine fishes, reptiles and seabirds

    Thomas P
    Port Aransas, TX, USA
    Fishes: reproduction diseases; stress; corticosteroids; antioxidants

    Toranzo AE
    Santiago de Compostela, Spain
    Fishes: biochemical serological and molecular characterization of bacterial and viral pathogens

    Vedros NA
    Berkeley, CA, USA
    Mammals, fishes: viral, bacterial and fungal diseases; immunology

    Watermann B
    Hamburg, Germany
    Invertebrates (molluscs, crustaceans) and fishes: pollution-related diseases; epizootiology and histopathology

    Wester PW
    Bilthoven, The Netherlands
    Rodents, fishes: toxicological pathology (tumor; cancer)

    Wiegertjes G F
    AH Wageningen, The Netherlands
    Fish immune responses to parasites

    Winton JR
    Seattle, WA, USA
    Fishes: viral diseases; diagnosis, control (including molecular techniques)

    Witten E
    Hamburg, Germany
    Bone malformations and tumours, haematology; immunology; aquaculture

    Zelikoff J
    Tuxedo, NY, USA
    Metals; immunology; toxicology; immunotoxicology; cell biology

    Zinkl JG
    Davis, CA, USA
    Mammals, birds, fish: leukemia; toxicology; hematology; pathology; insecticides

    This page was last updated on 2 May 2005.

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