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Climate Research Editorial Board


Nils Christian Stenseth
Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES)
Department of Biology
University of Oslo
PO Box 1050, Blindern,
0316 Oslo, Norway
Tel: (+47) 22 85 45 84
Fax: (+47) 22 85 46 04
Population biology, ecological effects of climate variation on ecological patterns and processes, statistical modelling, time-series analysis.


James W. Hurrell
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Climate and Global Dynamics Division
PO Box 3000
Boulder, Colorado 80307, USA
Analysis and diagnosis of observed climate variability in the coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice system.


Bryson C. Bates
CSIRO Environment and Natural Resources,
GPO Box 2697, Canberra ACT 2601,
Black Mountain Laboratories, Clunies Ross St., Acton ACT, Australia
Tel: (+61) 6 246 4569
Fax: (+61) 6 246 4564
Statistical climatology; climate variability and change; precipitation modelling; effects of climate forcing on hydrology and water resources

Robert E Davis
Department of Environmental Sciences,
University of Virginia,
291 McCormick Road, PO Box 400123,
Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4123, USA,
Tel: (+1) 434 924 0579,
Fax: (+1) 434 982 2137
Synoptic climatology; statistics; air quality

Chris de Freitas
School of Geography and Environmental Science,
University of Auckland,
Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand
Tel: (+64) 9 373 7599 ext 5283
Fax: (+64) 9 373 77434
Bioclimatology; climate resource assessment; climate and human activities

Gerd Esser
Institut für Pflanzenökologie,
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26 (IFZ),
35392 Gießen, Germany
Tel: (+49) (0)641 99 35310
Fax: (+49) (0)641 99 35309
Biosphere dynamics; biogeochemistry; models

Gregory V. Jones
Geography Department,
Southern Oregon University,
1250 Siskiyou Blvd,
Ashland, Oregon 97520,
Tel: (+1) 541 552 6758
Fax: (+1) 541 552 6439
Climatology, hydrology, and agriculture; phenology of plant systems; biosphere and atmosphere interactions; climate change; quantitative methods in spatial and temporal analysis

Madhav L. Khandekar
Consulting Meteorologist,
52 Montrose Crescent,
Unionville, Ontario L3R 7Z5,
Tel: (+1) 905 940 0105
Global warming/climate change; extreme weather, ENSO (El-Niño/Southern Oscillation) and global weather anomalies

Daniel J. Leathers
Center for Climatic Research,
Department of Geography,
University of Delaware,
Newark, Delaware 19716
Tel: (+1) 302 831 8764 Email:
Synoptic climatology, especially as it relates to climate change, cryospheric studies and severe weather

Helmut Mayer
Meteorological Institute,
University of Freiburg,
Werderring 10, 79085 Freiburg,
Tel: (+49) 761 203 3591,
Fax: (+49) 761 203 3586
Forest meteorology and hydrology; urban climatology and air pollution; human biometeorology; regional climatology

Allen H. Perry
Geography Department,
University of Wales Swansea,
Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP,
United Kingdom
Fax: (+44) 1792 295955
Synoptic climatology; applied climatology; impact of climate change on tourism and transport

Daniel Scott
Canada Research Chair in Global Change and Tourism
Department of Geography
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada,
Tel: (+1) 519 888 4567 ext. 5497
Fax: (+1) 519 746 2031
Climate change vulnerability assessment; biodiversity; protected areas; vegetation modelling; tourism and recreation; climate adaptation

Note for authors: The CR Editorial Board is currently being restructured. We aim to further enhance a balanced representation of the complex climate research scenario and the speed of publication. Should you be in doubt as to which Editor to send your manuscript you may, until further notice, send it directly to me for prompt initiation of the review process.
Prof. Otto Kinne, President, Inter-Research
Fax: (+49) 4132 8883, Email:


R Balling Jr
Laboratory of Climatology, Arizona State University, Community Services Building, Rm 275C, Tempe, Arizona 85287-1508, USA, Email:
Climate change, urban climate, desertification

T Carter
Finnish Environment Institute, Box 140, Kesäkatu 6, 00251 Helsinki, Finland, Email:
Climate change impact and adaptation assessment; effects on agriculture; downscaling; climate impacts on ecosystems and society

R Conrad
Max-Planck-Institut für Terrestrische Mikrobiologie, Karl-von-Frisch-Straße, 35043 Marburg, Germany, Email:
Microbial metabolism of trace gases (H2, CO, CH4, N2O, NOX) in soil, sediment, water, and pure cultures; carbon biogeochemistry in sediments; nitrogen biogeochemistry in soils, sediments, and water; general microbial ecology

EJ Cooter
US Environmental Protection Agency/NOAA, Global Processes Research Branch (MD-80), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, USA, Email:
Climate impact on agriculture; regionalization of point impact estimates; statistical analysis of numeric crop impact model output; potential impacts of alternative climate futures on crop yield; pesticide and herbicide use; tillage; rotation

U Cubasch
Freie Universität Berlin, Meteorologisches Institut, Carl-Heinrich-Becker-Weg 6-10, 12165 Berlin, Germany, Email:
Global climate modelling, climate variability, modelling of global climate change, regional climate variability and climate change

R de Dear
Climatic Impacts Centre, Macquarie University, New South Wales 2109, Australia, Email:
Indoor climate management and thermal comfort

S Emeis
Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung - Atmosphärische Umweltforschung - IMK-IFU, Forschungzentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Email:
Near surface wind climate, wind statistics, extreme winds, wind energy, turbulence, boundary layer - orography interaction

A Fowler
Department of Geography, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand, Email:
Dendroclimatology; analysis of instrumental data; projected climate; reconstruction of past climates; hydrology

OW Frauenfeld
CIRES/National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, 449 UCB, Boulder, Colorado, 80309-0449, USA, Email:
Synoptic climatology, climate change, high-latitude climate, atmospheric circulation and teleconnections, ocean-atmosphere interactions, statistical methods

FW Gerstengarbe
Potsdam Institut für Klimaforschung (PIK), Postfach 601203, 14412 Potsdam, Germany, Email:
Climate analysis; climate diagnosis; development of climate scenarios; mathematical statistics; climate impacts

L Gimeno
Chief of the Climate Diagnosis Group, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Universidad de Vigo, Facultad de Ciencias de Ourense, 32004 Ourense, Spain, Email:
Interannual, interdecadal and regional climate variability; teleconnections; climate change, analysis of instrumental data, reconstruction of past climates, validation of synoptic models, climate influence on crops, ENSO, Northern Annular Mode, relationship between the sun and climate

J Goudriaan
Wageningen Agricultural University, Department of Theoretical Production Ecology, PO Box 430, 6700 AK Wageningen, The Netherlands, Email:
Microclimatology; plant physiological reactions to the physical environment, in particular to CO2; crop growth; global carbon cycle; simulation modelling; crop response to CO2; modelling the global carbon cycle

BP Hayden
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, PO Box 400123, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4123, USA, Email:
Extratropical storm climatology, coastal wave climates, climate/ecosystem interactions, coastal geomorphology

T Horie
Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan, Email:
Physiological and agronomical aspects of climate influence on crops; modelling and simulation of crop-weather relationships

E Kaas
Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej 100, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, Email:
Low frequency atmospheric dynamics, modelling and observing climate change, statistical downscaling, dynamical cores of atmospheric models, estimating model errors from analyses

W Kuttler
Institut für Geographie, Abt. Angewandte Klimatologie, Universität Essen, Universitätsstrasse 5, 45141 Essen, Germany, Email:
Applied climatology, especially city climatology

D Legates
Center for Climatic Research,m Pearsofn Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 197161, USA, Email:
Precipitation (rain gage and radar), hydroclimatology (surface water balance), climate change, statistical methods

R Leuning
CSIRO Atmospheric Research, PO Box 1666, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia, Email:
Practical aspects of micrometeorology (heat, mass and momentum transfers between earth's surface and atmosphere); leaf and plant energy balances; plant ecophysiology; stomatal physiology

G McGregor
School of Geography, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom, Email:
Application of synoptic climatology to climate variability (drought, air pollution, health); energy balance studies over snow, ice, water; relation of energy fluxes to large-scale circulation

F Miglietta
Institute of Environmental Analysis and Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Plazzale delle Cascine, 18, 50144 Firenze, Italy, Email:
Environmental effects on crop growth, development and production; crop physiology; impact of climate and climate changes on agricultural production; informative systems for agriculture, climatic data bases; applications of satellite remote sensing to agriculture and forest meteorology

K Minami
Department of Research Planning and Coordination, 3-1-1 Kannondai, Tsukuba 305, Japan, Email:
Emission of nitrous oxide, methane and sulfur gases from agro-ecosystems; modelling and estimation of trace gas emission from agro-ecosystems

D Niyogi
Assistant Professor and Indiana State Climatologist, Departments of Agronomy and Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and Purdue Climate Change Research Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2054, USA, Email:
Applied climatology, land surface processes, remote sensing, climate change impacts, regional climate modeling, aerosols, soil moisture, air quality, agricultural meteorology, biosphere- atmosphere interactions

A Noda
Meteorological Research Institute, 1-1 Nagamine, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan, Email:
Dynamic climatology using climate models

T Ogawa
Earth Observation Research Center, National Space Development Agency of Japan, X-23F, 1-8--10 Harumi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-6023, Japan, Email:
Atmospheric radiation and chemistry; UV and infrared radiations; ozone and trace gases chemistry

OE Sala
Department of Ecology, University of Buenos Aires, Faculta d de Agronomia, Av San Martin 4453, Buenos Aires C141DSE, Argentina, Email:
Grassland ecology

R Schulze
School of Bioresources, Engineering & Environmental Hydrology, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, Private Bag X01, Scottville, 3209 Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, Email:
Agricultural and hydrological impacts of climate change and vulnerability

MD Schwartz
Department of Geography, Bolton 410, 3210 N. Maryland Avenue, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211, USA, Email:
Plant-climate interactions; synoptic climatology of North America; detecting climatic change, assessing vegetation with remote sensing

B Seguin
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Unité de Bioclimatologie, Site Agropare, Domaine Saint-Paul, 84914 Avignon Cedex 9, France, Email:
Micrometeorology and climatology applied to agriculture; land surface climatology (energy and water balance, radiation budget, evaporation and evapotranspiration as surface exchanged heat fluxes, etc.); remote sensing applied to climatology and agriculture

M Seto
University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, 3-5-8 Saiwai-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183, Japan, Email:
Biodegradation of xenobiotics in environments

M Severini
Istituto di Fisica dell'Atmosfera, Area di Ricerca di Roma Tor Vergata, Via Fosso del Cavaliere, 100, 00133 Roma, Italy, Email:
Micrometeorological instruments, measurements and models; phenological observations and models; simulation models of plant and pest development

S Shackley
Manchester School of Management and UMIST Environment Programme, UMIST, Manchester M60 1QD, United Kingdom, Email:
Climate policy analysis; policy use of climate models

V Smetacek
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Postfach 120161, Columbusstraße, 27515 Bremerhaven, Germany, Email:
Biological oceanography

PT Soulé
Department of Geography and Planning, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 28608, USA, Email:
Water-balance climatology, with emphasis on drought-related studies; spatial dimensions of climatic hazards (droughts, floods, etc.); impacts of climate (climatic variability) and energy consumption

G Srinivasan
Earth System Science Division, Dept of Science & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Rd, New Delhi 110016, India, Email:
Climate change in India; performance of GCMs; simulation of precipitation; radiative parameterization in climate models; climate effects on agriculture productivity

N Stehr
Atzenberg 29, 88239 Wangen, Germany, Email:
Adaptation to, mitigation of climate change, social construct of climate, history of ideas about climate phenomena, climate policies

PW Suckling
Department of Geography, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0406, USA, Email:
Urban climatology, recent climatic changes; solar radiation studies; microclimatology

M Takahashi
Graduate School of Kurioshio Science, Kochi University, 200 Otsu-Nankoku, Kochi 783-8502, Japan, Email:
Phytoplankton ecology in marine and freshwater ecosystems; structure and function of aquatic ecosystems; temporal and spatial variations of primary production and related biomass

N Tapper
School of Geography and Environmental Science, Building 11, Monash University, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia, Email:
Landscape change and atmospheric response, global and regional environmental change, climate and climate change impacts on human health, fire-climate interactions, indigenous climate knowledge, urban climatology and air pollution

I Washitani
Department of Ecosystem Studies, Institute of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, 113-8657, Japan, Email:
Climate control of plant life and its ecological and evolutionary consequences; environmental control of seed production; dormancy and germination of seeds and seedling growth; seed responses to temperature

P Whetton
CSIRO Atmospheric Research, PMB1, Aspendale, Victoria 3195, Australia, Email:
Regional climate scenarios; impacts; modelling: global and regional

RL Wilby
Climate Change Science Manager, Environment Agency, Trentside Office, Nottingham NG2 5FA, UK, Email:
Statistical downscaling of GCM output; theoretical aspects, regional scale impact analyses, validation of surface variables; analyses of long-term climatological data sets

E Zorita
GKSS Geesthacht, Institut für Gewässerphysik, Max-Planck- Straße, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany, Email:
Statistical analysis of observational data sets; climate model simulation; estimation of regional climate change; analysis of interannual to decadal climate variability

Production Manager: John Austin

Technical Editor: William Neel

International Ecology Institute, Nordbünte 23 (+21, 26, 28, 30), 21385 Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany
Tel (+49) (0)4132 7127, Fax (+49) (0)4132 8883

Assistants to the Editors: Marita Bruns, Catherine Fesefeldt, Bernhard Fromm, Ivor George, Thorben Gutknecht, Sandra Hammer, Christiane Hart, Marianne Hiller, Clare Lehane, Anna Loßmann, Claire Pritchard, Nathan Russell, Matthias Seaman, Rita Shaw-Friedrich, Helga Witt

Inter-Research, Nordbünte 23 (+21, 26, 28, 30), 21385 Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany
Tel (+49) (0)4132 7127, Fax (+49) (0)4132 8883

This page was last updated on 30 June 2005.

Copyright © 2005; Inter-Research