Marine Ecology Progress Series

Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Vol. 254 (2003)

Table of contents

Marine Ecology Progress Series (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © Inter-Research, Oldendorf/Luhe, 2003 Copyright and Disclaimer information
June 4

Searchable abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.


Kinne O
The scientific process: new forces attempt to enter the scene
MEPS 254:1 Full text in pdf format


Platt T, Sathyendranath S, Edwards AM, Broomhead DS, Ulloa O
Nitrate supply and demand in the mixed layer of the ocean
MEPS 254:3-9 Full text in pdf format

Bremner J, Rogers SI, Frid CLJ
Assessing functional diversity in marine benthic ecosystems: a comparison of approaches
MEPS 254:11-25 Full text in pdf format

Thyrhaug R, Larsen A, Thingstad TF, Bratbak G
Stable coexistence in marine algal host-virus systems
MEPS 254:27-35 Full text in pdf format

Rijstenbil JW
Effects of UVB radiation and salt stress on growth, pigments and antioxidative defence of the marine diatom Cylindrotheca closterium
MEPS 254:37-48 Full text in pdf format

Granéli E, Johansson N
Effects of the toxic haptophyte Prymnesium parvum on the survival and feeding of a ciliate: the influence of different nutrient conditions
MEPS 254:49-56 Full text in pdf format

Allen BJ, Williams SL
Native eelgrass Zostera marina controls growth and reproduction of an invasive mussel through food limitation
MEPS 254:57-67 Full text in pdf format

Larned ST
Effects of the invasive, nonindigenous seagrass Zostera japonica on nutrient fluxes between the water column and benthos in a NE Pacific estuary
MEPS 254:69-80 Full text in pdf format

Durbin EG, Campbell RG, Casas MC, Ohman MD, Niehoff B, Runge J, Wagner M
Interannual variation in phytoplankton blooms and zooplankton productivity and abundance in the Gulf of Maine during winter
MEPS 254:81-100 Full text in pdf format

Fernández E, Marañón E, Morán XAG, Serret P
Potential causes for the unequal contribution of picophytoplankton to total biomass and productivity in oligotrophic waters
MEPS 254:101-109 Full text in pdf format

May CL, Koseff JR, Lucas LV, Cloern JE, Schoellhamer DH
Effects of spatial and temporal variability of turbidity on phytoplankton blooms
MEPS 254:111-128 Full text in pdf format

Graham WM, Martin DL, Martin JC
In situ quantification and analysis of large jellyfish using a novel video profiler
MEPS 254:129-140 Full text in pdf format

Ribes M, Coma R, Rossi S
Natural feeding of the temperate asymbiotic octocoral-gorgonian Leptogorgia sarmentosa (Cnidaria: Octocorallia)
MEPS 254:141-150 Full text in pdf format

Zharikov Y, Skilleter GA
Depletion of benthic invertebrates by bar-tailed godwits Limosa lapponica in a subtropical estuary
MEPS 254:151-162 Full text in pdf format

Holmes SP, Witbaard R, van der Meer J
Phenotypic and genotypic population differentiation in the bivalve mollusc Arctica islandica: results from RAPD analysis
MEPS 254:163-176 Full text in pdf format

Boisson F, Goudard F, Durand JP, Barbot C, Pieri J, Amiard JC, Fowler SW
Comparative radiotracer study of cadmium uptake, storage, detoxification and depuration in the oyster Crassostrea gigas: potential adaptive mechanisms
MEPS 254:177-186 Full text in pdf format

Poulin R, Mouritsen KN
Large-scale determinants of trematode infections in intertidal gastropods
MEPS 254:187-198 Full text in pdf format

Lewis C, Olive PJW, Bentley MG
Pre-emptive competition as a selective pressure for early reproduction in the polychaete Nereis virens
MEPS 254:199-211 Full text in pdf format

Andersson M, Van Nieuwerburgh L, Snoeijs P
Pigment transfer from phytoplankton to zooplankton with emphasis on astaxanthin production in the Baltic Sea food web
MEPS 254:213-224 Full text in pdf format

Xu Y, Wang WX
Fates of diatom carbon and trace elements by the grazing of a marine copepod
MEPS 254:225-238 Full text in pdf format

Richardson AJ, Verheye HM, Mitchell-Innes BA, Fowler JL, Field JG
Seasonal and event-scale variation in growth of Calanus agulhensis (Copepoda) in the Benguela upwelling system and implications for spawning of sardine Sardinops sagax
MEPS 254:239-251 Full text in pdf format

Miralto A, Guglielmo L, Zagami G, Buttino I, Granata A, Ianora A
Inhibition of population growth in the copepods Acartia clausi and Calanus helgolandicus during diatom blooms
MEPS 254:253-268 Full text in pdf format

Zeller D, Stoute SL, Russ GR
Movements of reef fishes across marine reserve boundaries: effects of manipulating a density gradient
MEPS 254:269-280 Full text in pdf format

Agnew DJ, Marlow TR, Lorenzen K, Pompert J, Wakeford RC, Tingley GA
Influence of Drake Passage oceanography on the parasitic infection of individual year-classes of southern blue whiting Micromesistius australis
MEPS 254:281-291 Full text in pdf format

Lake S, Burton H, van den Hoff J
Regional, temporal and fine-scale spatial variation in Weddell seal diet at four coastal locations in east Antarctica
MEPS 254:293-305 Full text in pdf format


Westin L
Migration failure in stocked eels Anguilla anguilla
MEPS 254:307-311 Full text in pdf format

Gowing et al., Vol. 241: 1-11, (2002)
MEPS 254:313 Full text in pdf format

Tilstone et al., Vol. 252: 89-104 (2003)
MEPS 254:313 Full text in pdf format

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Copyright © 2003; Inter-Research