Marine Ecology Progress Series

Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Vol. 238 (2002)

Table of contents

Marine Ecology Progress Series (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © Inter-Research, Oldendorf/Luhe, 2002 Copyright and Disclaimer information
August 8

Searchable abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.


Kennedy H, Thomas DN, Kattner G, Haas C, Dieckmann GS
Particulate organic matter in Antarctic summer sea ice: concentration and stable isotopic composition
MEPS 238:1-13 Full text in pdf format

Glud RN, Kühl M, Wenzhöfer F, Rysgaard S
Benthic diatoms of a high Arctic fjord (Young Sound, NE Greenland): importance for ecosystem primary production
MEPS 238:15-29 Full text in pdf format

Brush MJ, Brawley JW, Nixon SW, Kremer JN
Modeling phytoplankton production: problems with the Eppley curve and an empirical alternative
MEPS 238:31-45 Full text in pdf format

Staehr PA, Henriksen P, Markager S
Photoacclimation of four marine phytoplankton species to irradiance and nutrient availability
MEPS 238:47-59 Full text in pdf format

Phillips JA, Price IR
How different is Mediterranean Caulerpa taxifolia (Caulerpales: Chlorophyta) to other populations of the species?
MEPS 238:61-71 Full text in pdf format

Brush MJ, Nixon SW
Direct measurements of light attenuation by epiphytes on eelgrass Zostera marina
MEPS 238:73-79 Full text in pdf format

Reynaud S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Sambrotto R, Juillet-Leclerc A, Jaubert J, Gattuso JP
Effect of feeding on the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition in the tissues and skeleton of the zooxanthellate coral Stylophora pistillata
MEPS 238:81-89 Full text in pdf format

Farstey V, Lazar B, Genin A
Expansion and homogeneity of the vertical distribution of zooplankton in a very deep mixed layer
MEPS 238:91-100 Full text in pdf format

Mokievsky V, Azovsky A
Re-evaluation of species diversity patterns of free-living marine nematodes
MEPS 238:101-108 Full text in pdf format

Urban HJ
Modeling growth of different developmental stages in bivalves
MEPS 238:109-114 Full text in pdf format

Lüdeking A, Köhler A
Identification of six mRNA sequences of genes related to multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) and biotransformation in Mytilus edulis
MEPS 238:115-124 Full text in pdf format

Rey-Rassat C, Irigoien X, Harris R, Head R, Carlotti F
Growth and development of Calanus helgolandicus reared in the laboratory
MEPS 238:125-138 Full text in pdf format

Rey-Rassat C, Irigoien X, Harris R, Head R, Carlotti F
Egg production rates of Calanus helgolandicus females reared in the laboratory: variability due to present and past feeding conditions
MEPS 238:139-151 Full text in pdf format

Spicer JI, Strömberg JO
Diel vertical migration and the haemocyanin of krill Meganyctiphanes norvegica
MEPS 238:153-162 Full text in pdf format

Barnes DKA
Ecology of subtropical hermit crabs in SW Madagascar: refuge-use and dynamic niche overlap
MEPS 238:163-172 Full text in pdf format

Xu Y, Wang WX
Exposure and potential food chain transfer factor of Cd, Se and Zn in marine fish Lutjanus argentimaculatus
MEPS 238:173-186 Full text in pdf format

Yamamura O, Honda S, Shida O, Hamatsu T
Diets of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the Doto area, northern Japan: ontogenetic and seasonal variations
MEPS 238:187-198 Full text in pdf format

Arnott SA, Ruxton GD
Sandeel recruitment in the North Sea: demographic, climatic and trophic effects
MEPS 238:199-210 Full text in pdf format

Magnussen E
Demersal fish assemblages of Faroe Bank: species composition, distribution, biomass spectrum and diversity
MEPS 238:211-225 Full text in pdf format

Stunz GW, Minello TJ, Levin PS
Growth of newly settled red drum Sciaenops ocellatus in different estuarine habitat types
MEPS 238:227-236 Full text in pdf format

Findlay AM, Allen LG
Temporal patterns of settlement in the temperate reef fish Paralabrax clathratus
MEPS 238:237-248 Full text in pdf format


Gray JS, Wu RS, Or YY
Effects of hypoxia and organic enrichment on the coastal marine environment
MEPS 238:249-279 Full text in pdf format

Hinga KR
Effects of pH on coastal marine phytoplankton
MEPS 238:281-300 Full text in pdf format


Rey-Rassat C, Irigoien X, Harris R, Carlotti F
Energetic cost of gonad development in Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus
MEPS 238:301-306 Full text in pdf format

Hänfling B, Carvalho GR, Brandl R
mt-DNA sequences and possible invasion pathways of the Chinese mitten crab
MEPS 238:307-310 Full text in pdf format

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