Marine Ecology Progress Series

Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Vol. 153 (1997)

Table of contents

Marine Ecology Progress Series (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © Inter-Research, Oldendorf/Luhe, 1997 Copyright and Disclaimer information
July 10

Searchable abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.


Kinne O
Ethics and eco-ethics
MEPS 153:1-3


Sarrazin J, Robigou V, Juniper SK, Delaney JR
Biological and geological dynamics over four years on a high-temperature sulfide structure at the Juan de Fuca Ridge hydrothermal observatory
MEPS 153:5-24

Guarini JM, Blanchard GF, Gros P, Harrison SJ
Modelling the mud surface temperature on intertidal flats to investigate the spatio-temporal dynamics of the benthic microalgal photosynthetic capacity
MEPS 153:25-36

McGuinness KA
Tests for artefacts in some methods used to study herbivory and predation in mangrove forests
MEPS 153:37-44

Baldi F, Minacci A, Saliot A, Mejanelle L, Mozetic P, Turk V, Malej A
Cell lysis and release of particulate polysaccharides in extensive marine mucilage assessed by lipid biomarkers and molecular probes
MEPS 153:45-57

Tuomi P
Bacterial carbon production in the northern Baltic: a comparison of thymidine incorporation and FDC based methods
MEPS 153:59-66

Milligan AJ, Cosper EM
Growth and photosynthesis of the 'brown tide' microalga Aureococcus anophagefferens in subsaturating constant and fluctuating irradiance
MEPS 153:67-75

Buskey EJ
Behavioral components of feeding selectivity of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Protoperidinium pellucidum
MEPS 153:77-89

Buma AGJ, Engelen AH, Gieskes WWC
Wavelength-dependent induction of thymine dimers and growth rate reduction in the marine diatom Cyclotella sp. exposed to ultraviolet radiation
MEPS 153:91-97

Pujo-Pay M, Conan P, Raimbault P
Excretion of dissolved organic nitrogen by phytoplankton assessed by wet oxidation and 15N tracer procedures
MEPS 153:99-111

Chisholm JRM, Jaubert JM
Photoautotrophic metabolism of Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta) in the NW Mediterranean
MEPS 153:113-123

Phillips JC, Kendrick GA, Lavery PS
A test of a functional group approach to detecting shifts in macroalgal communities along a disturbance gradient
MEPS 153:125-138

Harmelin JG
Diversity of bryozoans in a Mediterranean sublittoral cave with bathyal-like conditions: role of dispersal processes and local factors
MEPS 153:139-152

McGrorty S
Winter growth of mussels Mytilus edulis as a possible counter to food depletion by oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus
MEPS 153:153-165

Smaal AC, Vonck APMA
Seasonal variation in C, N and P budgets and tissue composition of the mussel Mytilus edulis
MEPS 153:167-179

Meyer-Harms B, von Bodungen B
Taxon-specific ingestion rates of natural phytoplankton by calanoid copepods in an estuarine environment (Pomeranian Bight, Baltic Sea) determined by cell counts and HPLC analyses of marker pigments
MEPS 153:181-190

Maynou F, Cartes JE
Field estimation of daily ration in deep-sea shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea: Decapoda) in the western Mediterranean
MEPS 153:191-196

Chen JC, Chen JM
Arginase specific activity and nitrogenous excretion of Penaeus japonicus exposed to elevated ambient ammonia
MEPS 153:197-202

Harvey M, Bourget E
Recruitment of marine invertebrates onto arborescent epibenthic structures: active and passive processes acting at different spatial scales
MEPS 153:203-215

Hull CL, Hindell MA, Michael K
Foraging zones of royal penguins during the breeding season, and their association with oceanographic features
MEPS 153:217-228

Pfister CA
Demographic consequences of within-year variation in recruitment
MEPS 153:229-238

Beliaeff B, Burgeot T
Sampling design optimization for EROD measurements in fish
MEPS 153:239-246

McCormick MI, Makey LJ
Post-settlement transition in coral reef fishes: overlooked complexity in niche shifts
MEPS 153:247-257

Wilson DT, McCormick MI
Spatial and temporal validation of settlement-marks in the otoliths of tropical reef fishes
MEPS 153:259-271

Ryer CH, Olla BL
Altered search speed and growth: social versus independent foraging in two pelagic juvenile fishes
MEPS 153:273-281

Milton DA, Chenery SR, Farmer MJ, Blaber SJM
Identifying the spawning estuaries of the tropical shad, terubok Tenualosa toli, using otolith microchemistry
MEPS 153:283-291

Kim WS, Kim JM, Yi SK, Huh HT
Endogenous circadian rhythm in the river puffer fish Takifugu obscurus
MEPS 153:293-298

Wilson S, Bellwood DR
Cryptic dietary components of territorial damselfishes (Pomacentridae, Labroidei)
MEPS 153:299-310

Sancho G, Ma D, Lobel P
Behavioral observations of an upcurrent reef colonization event by larval surgeonfish Ctenochaetus strigosus (Acanthuridae)
MEPS 153:311-315

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