Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Aquatic Microbial Ecology

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Otto Kinne Foundation

Companion Journal to Marine Ecology Progress Series

AME and MEPS have received international recognition as the leaders in their respective fields of science


Aquatic Microbial Ecology (AME) was founded by Otto Kinne, Fereidoun Rassoulzadegan and John Dolan. It is the successor to 'Marine Microbial Food Webs', which was founded by P. Bougis and F. Rassoulzadegan and published by the 'Institut Océanographique, Fondation Albert 1er Prince de Monaco', Paris, from 1985 to 1994. The last issue of 'Marine Microbial Food Webs' was Volume 8, Number 2

Continued Success

According to Journal Citation Reports 2003, AME features 1.636 total citations and an Impact Factor of 2.116. Thus the journal has strengthened its position as the leader in its field.


AME serves as a worldwide forum for scientific communications on all aspects of aquatic microbial dynamics. In particular, the journal covers research on viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes - both planktonic and benthic, autotrophic and heterotrophic - in marine, limnetic and brackish habitats. AME strives for
  • complete coverage of the ecology of microorganisms in aquatic environments
  • the highest possible quality of scientific contributions
  • quick publication (3 months from acceptance to publication)
  • an excellent technical standard of presentation


AME is international and interdisciplinary. It presents rigorously refereed and carefully selected Research articles, Reviews and Notes, as well as Comments/Reply Comments (for details see AME 27:209), Theme sections and As I See It (for details consult Guidelines for AME authors) concerned with:
  • Tolerances and responses of microorganisms to variations in abiotic and biotic components of their environment; microbial life under extreme environmental conditions (climate, temperature, pressure, osmolarity, redox, etc.).
  • Role of aquatic microorganisms in the production, transformation and decomposition of organic matter; flow patterns of energy and matter as these pass through microorganisms; population dynamics; trophic interrelationships; modelling, both theoretical and via computer simulation, of individual microorganisms and microbial populations; biodiversity.
  • Absorption and transformation of inorganic material; synthesis and transformation of organic material (autotrophic and heterotrophic); non-genetic and genetic adaptation; behaviour; molecular microbial ecology; symbioses.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors, Reviewers and Editors must disclose relationships (e.g. financial, economic, institutional) that may affect the integrity of the scientific process.

Subscription information

Beginning with Volume 22 AME is also available online.

AME articles are made freely accessible online 4 years after publication. Articles published in 2000 and 2001 will become freely available in January 2005.

2004: 5 volumes, Vols 34 to 38
2005: 4 volumes, Vols 39 to 42

Annual rate for 2004 (print and online versions): Euro 865
Annual rate for 2005 (print and online versions): Euro 692

Please add postage, handling and insurance charges: Germany Euro 20 per annum; all other countries Euro 30. For air mail delivery rates contact publisher.

Missing issues must be claimed within 4 months of publication. Back volumes (Volumes 1 to 8) are available from the Institut Océanographique, 195, rue Saint-Jacques, F-75005 Paris, France; Volumes 9 onwards are available from Inter-Research.

Beginning with Volume 9, tables of contents with abstracts are available fee of charge on the Internet via World Wide Web.

Subscriptions are entered with annual prepayment only. They should be addressed to the publisher.

This page was last updated on 16 February 2005.

Copyright © 2005; Inter-Research