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ECI Staff*

Director and Founder: Professor O. Kinne, 21385 Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany

Marine Ecology
Prof. F. Azam, La Jolla, CA, USA (1985)
Prof. R. T. Barber, Beaufort, NC, USA (1999)
Prof. S. W. Chisholm, Cambridge, MA, USA (1993)
Dr. D. H. Cushing, Lowestoft, UK (1993)
Prof. T. Fenchel, Helsingør, Denmark (1985)
Dr. N. S. Fisher, Stony Brook, NY, USA (1985)
Prof. J. S. Gray, Oslo, Norway (1984)
Prof. B.-O. Jansson, Stockholm, Sweden (1989)
Prof. B. B. Jørgensen, Bremen, Germany (2004)
Prof. V. Kasyanov, Vladivostok, Russia (1993)
Prof. L. Legendre, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France (2002)
Prof. E. Naylor, Menai Bridge, UK (1984)
Prof. S. W. Nixon, Narragansett, RI, USA (1989)
Prof. W. Nultsch, Hamburg, Germany (1994)
Prof. R. T. Paine, Seattle, WA, USA (1990)
Dr. T. Platt, Dartmouth, NS, Canada (1984)
Acad. Prof. G. G. Polikarpov, Sevastopol, Ukraine (1985)
Dr. F. Rassoulzadegan, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France (1997)
Dr. M. Weinbauer, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France (2004)
Prof. V. Smetacek, Bremerhaven, Germany (1993)

Terrestrial Ecology
Prof. T. N. Ananthakrishnan, Madras, India (1984)
Prof. F. A. Bazzaz , Cambridge, MA, USA (1998)
Prof. F. S. Chapin, III, Berkeley, CA, USA (1986)
Prof. J. Ehleringer, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (1986)
Dr. P. Ehrlich, Stanford, CA, USA (1994)
Prof. M. Gadgil, Bangalore, India (1985)
Prof. G. Glatzel, Vienna, Austria (1995)
Prof. I. Hanski, Helsinki, Finland (1993)
Prof. D. A. Krivolutsky, Moscow, Russia (2000)
Prof. E. Kuno, Kyoto, Japan (1986)
Prof. J. Lawton, Ascot, UK (1997)
Prof. M. Loreau, Paris, France (2003)
Prof. A. P. Møller, Paris, France (1995)
Prof. H. A. Mooney, Stanford, CA, USA (1991)
Prof. B.-E. Saether, Trondheim, Norway (2000)
Prof. D. Schimel, Boulder, CO, USA (1998)
Dr. M. Shachak, Sede Boker, Israel (1989)
Prof. Sir R. Southwood, Oxford, UK (1986)
Prof. E. O. Wilson, Cambridge, MA, USA (1988)

Limnetic Ecology
Prof. N. V. Aladin, St. Petersburg, Russia (1994)
Prof. T. Berman, Tiberias, Israel (1998)
Prof. J. Cairns, Blacksburg, VA, USA (1998)
Prof. S. R. Carpenter, Madison, WI, USA (2000)
Prof. J. J. Cole, Millbrook, NY, USA (2004)
Prof. P. W. Cullen, Gunning, NSW, Australia (2000)
Prof. J. I. Furtado, London, UK(1985)
Prof. Z. M. Gliwicz, Warsaw, Poland (1998)
Prof. N. G. Hairston, Ithaca, NY, USA (1998)
Dr. J. E. Hobbie, Woods Hole, MA, USA (1986)
Dr. E. Kamler, Piaseczno, Poland (1993)
Prof. W. Lampert, Plön, Germany (1993)
Prof. G. E. Likens, Millbrook, NY, USA (1989)
Prof. K. Lillelund, Hamburg, Germany (1985)
Prof. J. Overbeck, Merkenhof, Germany (1984)
Prof. T. J. Pandian, Madurai, India (1985)
Prof. E. Pieczyñska, Warsaw, Poland (1993)
Dr. C. S. Reynolds, Ambleside, UK (1995)
Prof. J. G. Tundisi, São Paulo, Brazil (1990)
Prof. D. Uhlmann, Dresden, Germany
Prof. W. Wieser, Innsbruck, Austria (1987)

*It has become a tradition to invite ECI Prize Laureates to join the Institute's staff.
Bracketed years: date of appointment

New Information (ECI Members: Please provide further updates)


  • ECI Member, ECI Prize Laureate 1988 and EEIU Fellow Professor Gene E. Likens, Millbrook, NY, USA, has received the 2001 National Medal of Science Award at the White House in June 2002. The award is the highest scientific honor in the U.S.


We deeply regret to inform that the following ECI members have passed away. Their important contributions to the institute and to science at large will not be forgotten.

  • Peters, Robert H. (1996), Professor, McGill University, Canada.
    ECI Prize Laureate 1991

  • Zhirmunsky, Alexei (2000), Professor, Member of the Academy of Sciences, Russia.
    Former Director, Institute of Marine Biology, Far East Science Center, Academy of Science, Vladivostok, Russia.
    EEIU Fellow

  • Elster, Hans Joachim (2001), Professor, University of Konstanz, Germany.
    EEIU Fellow

  • Rao, T. S. S. (2001), Dr., Goa University, India.
    ECI Staff Member

  • Williams, William. D. (2002), Professor, University of Adelaide, Department of Zoology, Adelaide, Australia.
    EEIU Fellow

This page was last updated on 7 June 2005

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